Why the Time Is Right For a Fallout Tactics Sequel

PCGamesN continues their celebration of Fallout’s 20th anniversary with an article that makes a case for a new Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel game. And it’s hard to argue that in today’s market, a turn-based strategy with a Fallout coat of paint could do pretty well. Especially if it, just like the article suggests, acknowledges its predecessor’s shortcomings and does its best to address them. An excerpt:

Fallout: Tactics is the black sheep of the series. It is a bit of a rebel, you see, forgoing a sprawling open world packed with curiosities and quests, and opting instead for a linear storyline with drastically reduced roleplaying scope. It also breaks a lot of the established Fallout lore and stretches its aesthetic a little too far into the modern day with named vehicles and firearms like the Hummer and M249 SAW breaking the immersion for many Fallout fans. Strip all of those idiosyncrasies away, however, and you can’t argue the appeal of a turn-based tactical game set in the Fallout universe – modern-day XCOM with power armour and Deathclaws. Who wouldn’t want to see the Mysterious Stranger show up to correct RNG misfortunes?

It has been 16 years since Fallout: Tactics attempted to deliver on that rather extraordinary premise – it failed, but the pairing of Fallout’s retro-futuristic charm with the combat of XCOM: Enemy Unknown deserves another shot.

And why not? Turn-based tactical games are in the best place they have been since the mid-’90s. They are more mainstream than ever. The successful reinvention of the XCOM franchise over the past few years helped a lot, but it has been bolstered by indie titles like Massive Chalice, Frozen Synapse, Xenonauts, The Banner Saga, and most recently the triumphant player count of Divinity: Original Sin 2. Even Mario has stuck his oar in with Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, which is a useful benchmark for the mainstream appeal of this relatively niche genre.

A sequel to Fallout: Tactics could benefit from the experience and criticisms of the first game: a bit more restraint in the art department, a storyline that is worth following, and some drastic improvements to the RPG elements of the original. Even now, the squad-based tactical gameplay holds up remarkably well, a bonus of the game’s individual turn-based mechanics being lifted straight from its unanimously lauded predecessors. Poring over decisions like where to position recruits and who to give the best weapons never feels like a waste of time. Firefights are won by covering every angle, always having a network of interlocking fire, and making the most of the Overwatch mode. Thanks to the openness of map areas and the number of foes, it pays to have a rearguard equipped with shotguns, ready to open fire on any flanking enemies. It is enormously satisfying when that level of planning is rewarded with an easy kill.

What holds Fallout: Tactics back is its narrative and RPG elements, the former being far too linear, the latter lacking any sense of constraint. Choice has been a staple of Fallout since the first game but Fallout: Tactics does little to mesh moral decisions with its storyline, offering a smattering of possible endings based on a crudely implemented karma system. Recent Fallout games have provided the ideal example for a Fallout: Tactics sequel to follow, offering a host of faction-locked missions for the player to delve into depending on who they want to help: themselves, the Brotherhood of Steel, or the region’s civilian population.

Some of Fallout: Tactics’ RPG systems could be polished up or overhauled as well, with stats like Charisma and skills like Pilot being largely inconsequential in the original. Other missteps include having both a First Aid and Doctor skill to ensure maximum confusion for new players, not to mention a number of easily exploitable skills like Gambling and Lockpick. Again, Bethesda’s recent Fallout titles have done an admirable job of discarding niche skills to ensure it never feels like you are wasting skill points – no build in Fallout 4 feels unfeasible, whereas a number of recruits you can pick up in Fallout: Tactics are useful only as cannon fodder.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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