WildStar Wednesday: Meet the Human

After clearly lifting his name from an RPG website administrator that he idolizes, human explorer “Buck” answers some questions about his role in WildStar in the sci-fi MMO’s latest Wednesday feature Q&A. Call the lawyers!

Q: So! You’re Buck! I have to say, I’ve been looking forward to talking with you.

A: Oh, yeah? Why’s that, friend?

Q: Let’s just say that your reputation precedes you.

A: Heh. Can’t say I’m surprised. Guy like me, people tend to tell stories.

Q: Why don’t you tell about what happened on your last mission?

A: It’d be a pleasure. The Explorers Union sent me planetside to map out an uncharted sector, so I hitched a ride on an Academy research vessel with an Aurin Scientist and a grizzled old Granok Soldier. Nexus being Nexus, it didn’t take long for things to get interesting.

Q: Do tell.

A: Well, I ain’t exactly supposed to be talking about it, but I think it would fair to say that my two associates got themselves into a heap of trouble, and then I stepped in and saved their bacon. For most people, it would have been quite an adventure, but it’s pretty much a regular day for someone like me.

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