Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Update #97 – Content Patch 2 Preview

The planned Content Patch 1 for Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem should be going live on June 13, 2019, and so the latest Kickstarter update for the game looks ahead and talks about the following content patch and the new skills and features it’s going to introduce in July. The update also brings us a quick Content Patch 1 progress report. Check it out:

Hello everyone!

Today we want to share with you some preview on Content Patch 2. As a reminder, CP2’s deadline is internally planned for July and will include:

[*]The new “Wrath of Sarisel” Cooperative Game mode: specific enemies designed to push cooperation between players.

[*]“World Modifiers”: add different mods in random dungeons, including monsters and reward spawns, increasing its challenge, but also increasing its rewards. (example: All enemies of the dungeon are Specialists and Elites…)

[*]Player customization for male characters, including alternative skin colors, heads, beards, hairs and eyes.

[*]New active skills and new passive skills sections.

We have set the list for the new skills, and here is a preview of their concept:


Requires Rage. Your character spins in the cursor’s direction and deals damage to everything in its path.

Bull’s eye

Requires Rage. This skill will allow you to mark creatures or spots around your character. Upon release, the marker targets the enemy’s last placement, if the mark is on the ground the projectile will target its direction.


Requires Rage. Creates a turret that shoots projectiles. A quick tap creates an automatic turret that will shoot in the direction of the cursor at the moment of its creation. Maintaining the skill allows you to control the turret and use it as a channeled skill.


Requires Rage. Your character performs a charge in the cursor’s direction, bumping creatures on his way and dealing a bit of damage. When the target is reached, it deals AOE damage based on the distance traveled with it.


Requires Rage. This skill is a 3 steps attack. Your character performs a cleave that will grow and deal more and more damage at each blow. Upon reaching 3 attacks, the loop starts over.

We will develop more about these skills as we approach Content Patch 2. We want this patch to offer more options to warriors and ranged shooting archetypes since they have less variety than mages archetypes at the moment.

Content Patch 1 progress

Passive Skill Tree

We are still progressing well on Content Patch 1 and we are now finalizing the Passive Skill Tree’s improvements. All 252 nodes types and positions are defined and we will tell you more about these changes in a future news.


Character wipe

We have discussed a lot about a possible character wipe for the next patch. We didn’t want a level 20 character to start the story mode with full gear and full skills leveled, that would make the game experience trivial for a first experience with this mode.

We also need you to test the progression in game since there will be balancing changes. In addition to this, our programmers needed to make some changes that would eventually require a character wipe.

We came to the conclusion that is was better to make this as soon as possible and used that opportunity to add the technical modifications needed for character saving, in order to prepare for different game modes coming in the future.

Therefore, characters and stashes will be wiped with Content Patch 1.

Thank you for your support and see you soon for more news about our progress 🙂

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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