World of Warcraft is as Addictive as Cocaine

The Local is reporting that Sweden’s Stiftelsen UngdomsvÃ¥rd, or Youth Care Foundation, has issued a report deeming World of Warcraft as “dangerous” and “the cocaine of the computer games world.”

The foundation’s report is as yet unpublished and is based on the experiences of gamers and their parents who have been in contact with the group.

“There is not a single case of game addiction that we have worked with in which World of Warcraft has not played a part,” according to Sven Rollenhagen at the foundation to the newspaper Metro.

World of Warcraft is an online fantasy game, which according to the Game Over treatment centre in Linköping in central Sweden are the types of games which carry the highest risk of addiction.

The Local reported in November 2008 that a boy in Laholm, southern Sweden had been admitted to hospital after collapsing following a 20-hour World of Warcraft binge.

There’s no denying that MMOs can be addicting under the right circumstances, but World of Warcraft certainly isn’t the first. Ultima Online and EverQuest ruined a handful of lives years before WoW was even in development.

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