World of Warcraft Q&A

Slashdot has conjured up the latest Q&A about World of Warcraft, although the responses are accompanied by a quick disclaimer about how generic the answers are. Apparently Blizzard’s PR department is trying to kick up some negative publicity? Check it out:

Q: What is the process the dev team goes through for balancing character classes, items, NPCs, etc.? Seemingly minor changes can have a huge effect on gameplay, how do you avoid unwanted negative effects on the overall gameplay experience with each content patch? Also, How much of an effect does feedback from the community have on this process?

A: As you’ve implied, game balance is a very difficult and challenging thing to achieve. If it were easy, every game would be perfectly balanced. Of course we know that’s not the case. Our designers work very hard to try to balance the game and we know that the more feedback we get, the better our odds of achieving that elusive balance. That’s why it has always been important to us to hold closed and open beta tests for all our games, a process dating back to Diablo and StarCraft. The feedback of our beta testers has always been invaluable, and that is still the case in World of Warcraft. That’s also why we have Public Test Realms and why all our patches go there first: for more testing before we reveal it to the public.

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