World of Warcraft Race Change Service Goes Live

Blizzard Entertainment has launched their $25-a-pop “race change service”, which does exactly as its name implies – it allows you to pay to have your character’s race changed (as long as the new race is compatible with your class). If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, you might want to have a look at the FAQ:

How do I begin the Race Change process?
To begin the Race Change process, please visit the Account Management page, select the Race Change option, and carefully follow the instructions provided.

How much does this service cost?
Each Race Change costs $25.00 USD (not including applicable taxes). This covers a single Race Change for a single character.

Can I change multiple characters’ races at once?
No. The Race Change service only allows one change per transaction. If you would like to change multiple characters’ races, you will need to pay for each one separately.

At what level can I change a character’s race?
Characters level 10 and above are eligible for a Race Change. Death Knights will be unable to change their race until level 60.

How often can I change a character’s race?
You may change a character’s race every three days.

What happens after I initiate a Race Change?
Once your payment has processed and after you have remained logged out of the game for at least 30 minutes, you will see a new button to the left of the character’s name upon next login. Clicking on this button will allow you to select the character’s new race, as well as customize the character’s look and name. These steps will greatly resemble the character creation process.

To complete the Race Change, press the button labeled “Click to change your character’s race” and confirm your selections. If you do not wish to change the character’s race immediately, you may do so at a later time.

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