World of Warcraft: Shadowlands – Chains of Domination Survival Guide

With the Chains of Domination content update for World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands expansion set to launch on June 29, 2021, we can now check out a “Survival Guide” video highlighting the update’s new features and then follow that up with the complete update notes.

Here’s the video:

And an overview of the big new features:


As part of his ongoing schemes, the Jailer has located a long-lost domain of the Shadowlands—Korthia, the City of Secrets—and dragged it from the hidden byways of the In-Between into the Maw. In this new area, you’ll team up with the covenants under a unified banner to fight against the endless forces of the Jailer, and work to uncover what obscurities he seeks in this forgotten realm.

Unlock the secrets that Korthia has to offer:

  • Return to the Maw and discover Korthia with the restored strength of the kyrian, necrolords, night fae, and venthyr and together strike back at the Jailer in Covenant Assaults.
  • Complete quests offered by daily visitors from the covenants and earn reputation for the new Death’s Advance faction and reputation from visitor’s associated covenant.
  • Recover the relic fragments scattered across Korthia in the wake of the mawsworn invasion and return them to Archivist Roh-Suir for The Archivist’s Codex faction reputation and new currency, Catalogued Research. You can exchange Catalogued Research for a variety of rewards including Conduit and equipment upgrades, a flying mount, and a cosmetic appearance for your cloak.
  • Kel’Thuzad will occasionally dispatch Tormentors of Torghast throughout the Maw and Korthia. Defeating a Tormenter will reward you with a Tormentor’s Cache brimming with Soul Cinders and can also contain powerful equipment as well as a Bahmethra Chain Link to collect and bind together to summon the eerie hand mount, the Hand of Bahmethra.
  • Discover new rares and treasures in Korthia and Desmotaeron.


For eons the Jailer was bound within The Maw. Now, his endless armies gather as he prepares to enact the final stage of his grand design. In the face of annihilation, Bolvar marshals his last remaining allies to charge into the heart of Torghast and confront the Jailer where he is most powerful.

Breach the Sanctum of Domination and slay the formidable servants of Sylvanas and the Banished One in the epic new raid opening with Season 2.


Gather your party and discover exotic wares and strange creatures in the new eight-boss Mythic difficulty mega-dungeon: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. Set in a bazaar of the mysterious brokers, you’ll face off against dastardly assassins, four-armed broker guards, an infinite pirate dragon, and other enemies as you chase down a wayward broker before she can unleash the might of a stolen artifact to realize her own designs.

This Mythic-only instance can reward players with loot coveted by broker society—including a dazzling assortment of weaponry, otherworldly pets, and a mount.

To gain access to Tazavesh, the Veiled Market you’ll complete a short series of quests beginning with the Innkeeper, Host Ta’rela, in The Idyllia section of Oribos. In “The All’ey Cat of Oribos” you’ll be asked to meet up with a mysterious contact named Al’dalil who will introduce you to the world of the cartels, their complicated relationships, and their propensity for ingenious wordplay. He’ll act as your guide from time to time as you make your way through the dungeon.


With this content update, players can take charge of their own progress and see how well they’re performing in Mythic+ dungeons by viewing their personal Mythic+ rating in the Group Finder(I) UI under the Mythic+ Dungeons tab.

Your Rating increases each time you run a dungeon you haven’t completed before or when you beat your own best time in a dungeon you’ve already completed. Completing a key provides a rating based on three factors: the level of the key, the Affixes in the key, and the run’s time compared to the dungeon’s timer. Now, the availability and item level of upgrades purchased with Valor are based on your character’s Mythic+ Rating. With each Season, Mythic+ Ratings will be reset in the display.


Earn your wings and a special covenant-themed mount! Instead of challenging you with a Pathfinder achievement like in previous expansions, you’ll instead earn flying in Shadowlands early on within the newest chapters of your covenant campaign.

Upon completing a quest contained within the “The Last Sigil” storyline, you’ll be rewarded with Memories of Sunless Skies. This consumable item allows all characters on your account with Expert Riding Skill to fly in Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Revendreth!


Shadowlands Season 2 begins on July 6. With the new season, you’ll see increased item levels for rewards, new seasonal rewards for PvP include a new Arena title: Unchained Gladiator, a new weapon illusion, new coloration of the Gladiator mount, and new Vicious mounts—Alliance and Horde-themed Gorm.

The new seasonal Mythic+ dungeon affix is Tormented: Servants of the Jailer can be found throughout the dungeon and grant powerful boons when defeated. If a servant is not dealt with, they empower the final boss. New seasonal rewards for Mythic+ include a new title: the Tormented and a new coloration of the Mythic+ Deathwalker mount.

Additionally, Layer 10 in Torghast, Tower of the Damned, Tazavesh, the Veiled Market mega-dungeon and Sanctum of Domination on Normal and Heroic difficulties will all become available. On July 13, Sanctum of Domination on Mythic and Raid Finder Wing 1 difficulties will become available.


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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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