World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Reviews

If you’ve been thinking about checking out Shadowlands, the latest World of Warcraft expansion that launched a couple of weeks ago, you might be interested in reading a couple of reviews for it first. In short, it looks like they all paint a pretty positive, if a bit familiar picture. See for yourself:

PC Gamer 80/100:

Shadowlands is one of World of Warcraft’s most ambitious expansions. There are times where I feel a little overwhelmed by all of its complex, interlocking progression systems. When I’m not chipping away at expanding my Covenant’s Sanctum (basically my superhero HQ), I’m exploring its dark and dangerous new endgame zone or climbing the endless floors of Torghast, Shadowlands’ excellent dungeon that’s basically a self-contained roguelike. And then there’s the familiar grind of world quests, dungeons, and chasing down hidden treasures like new mounts.

It’s a lot to stay on top of and at times a little too familiar, but much of Shadowlands’ endgame is varied and inventive enough to keep things fun. It might not win over jaded players who drifted away over the years, but Shadowlands is the best World of Warcraft has been in a long while.

Game Informer 8.75/10:

Shadowlands is a satisfying addition to the annals of World of Warcraft expansions, and with a robust and revamped leveling experience rolling out with it, it’s a great time to come back to the MMORPG that made the genre mainstream.

Screen Rant 4/5:

Truth be told, it always feels a little too much like predicting the future when discussing end-game during an MMORPG expansion’s launch. There are too many variables to consider, let alone the fact that player feedback tends to shape post-launch plans and change what already existed on top of that. Setting that aside, the core experience of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is one that recaptures the allure of Wrath of the Lich King while preserving the accessibility of Battle for Azeroth. With so many gigantic changes to the way World of Warcraft is experienced, Shadowlands feels like the perfect jumping off point for returning fans, new players, and veterans alike. If nothing else, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is immensely fun. Go play it and figure out the rest later.

PCGamesN 8/10:

WoW’s latest chapter offers a gorgeous leveling experience, interesting endgame systems, and a pile of well-designed dungeons. Though some rough edges remain, ongoing hotfixes are chipping away at them.

Attack of the Fanboy 4.5/5:

Post-launch support will ultimately determine Shadowlands’ fate, but as it currently stands World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is a fantastic expansion that once again proves why Blizzard’s 16 year old juggernaut remains the king of the MMORPG genre. While we may be touring Azeroth’s afterlife ourselves, it’s clear World of Warcraft won’t be sauntered off into the great beyond any time soon.

Hooked Gamers 8/10:

The realms of the afterlife offer a great adventure, dungeons are an enjoyable experience once again, new character customization options and refined leveling has breathed new life into the game.

Item drop rates feel low once again, world PvP has lost its luster, a linear initial leveling experience may be off putting to some.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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