World of Warcraft: Shadowlands “We Ride Forth” Short Story

If you’re interested in a bit of Warcraft lore ahead of the upcoming launch of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, you might want to read this Shadowlands short story by Robert Brooks that focuses on the Lich King’s new and improved Four Horsemen. Here’s a quick excerpt to get you started:

“And we are certainly unprepared. What has changed? What force now compels you to keep us at bay?”

“Sylvanas Windrunner.”

Thoras Trollbane hesitated. Windrunner? The Lich King had kept an interest in her since the Fourth War started, telling his Four Horsemen to report any rumor of her whereabouts but absolutely forbidding them to hunt her down themselves. But Bolvar had also told the Horsemen she had never shown anything but contempt toward the Helm. “What of her?”

“Her war has upended the balance between life and death. Death feasts, and the power of the Helm boils,” Bolvar said. “The Legion turned our world into a charnel house, yet I felt nothing of the sort then.”

Trollbane still wasn’t certain what had disturbed Bolvar. “Whatever Sylvanas tried to do, she failed.”

Trollbane felt Bolvar’s anger flaring white-hot, but he had the strange sense that Bolvar was angry at himself most of all. “Do you see any sign that she believes she’s failed?”

And with the Scourge-themed pre-launch event now live, you should also check out this PC Gamer article that takes a closer look at the ongoing zombie invasion.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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