World of Warcraft – Story and Lore Developer Livestream

With the Burning Legion defeated and Blizzard Entertainment going back to basics for World of Warcraft’s latest Battle for Azeroth expansion, I’m curious to find out what’s next for the venerable MMORPG. And while this recent developer livestream with Blizzard’s Cinematic Project Director Terran Gregory and Senior Game Designer Steve Danuser doesn’t necessarily answer that question, it does shed some light on what makes World of Warcraft’s story tick.

If you have an hour or so of spare time and would like to learn a thing or two about World of Warcraft’s story design and characters both new and old, you should check it out:

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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