World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Bestiary Update

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade website has been updated with new information about the Fungal Giants and Ogre Lords we’ll be doing battle with in the expansion pack. Ogre Lord 101:

It is believed that the massive, cyclopean gronn are the ancient ancestors of the ogres. If so, the ogre lords of Outland are the only ogres known to retain some of the physical traits of their gronn progenitors, such as the bony, calcified protrusions on their head and back, as well as a portion of the gronn’s immense size and strength. Other unique characteristics possessed by the ogre lords are their intelligence and reasoning abilities, which are more acute than those of their ogre cousins. This combination of brute strength and increased intellect make the ogre lords worthy of both respect… and fear.

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