World of Warcraft: The Dungeon of Zul’Aman Preview

Ten Ton Hammer is the latest website to offer up a quick E3 preview of Blizzard’s upcoming Zul’Aman raid dungeon for World of Warcraft.

As we made our way to the various bosses Foote explained some of the dynamics Blizzard has come up with to make Zul’Aman more fun. Players will need to remain on their toes and figure out certain triggers that allow the mobs to change up their game. Those include a drum-banging scout who calls waves of warriors to fight as long as he’s banging his drum, and another mob who plays a little game of Hot Potato by hurling a skull that knocks a player back, but also winds up in the player’s backpack (and whoever’s got the skull has the aggro). One of the boss mobs has a bomb throwing AoE that will challenge players. “It’s completely random,” Foote said. “It’s not as if you can read online where you’re supposed to stand. So it should still be hectic even for people who’ve done it several times.”

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