World of Warcraft Tips of the Week #5

RPGVault is offering up some additional advice to aid you in your travels through Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. The fifth installment discusses skill purchases and preparing your character for a mount. Check it out:

At level 40, the warlock felsteed and paladin warhorse are free for those classes. Otherwise, the standard prices for training and the creature itself are 20 and 80 gold respectively, with a 10 percent discount if you have at least an Honorable reputation rating with the city where you purchase them. So, the total expenditure is 90 or 100 gold. Either amount is substantial; for instance, a character in the mid- to high 30s may only pick up around 10 gold per level in the normal course of play. As a result, if you want to have enough money when you reach level 40, you need to begin saving well in advance – I’d suggest level 30 or even before. In addition, if you want another race’s mount, you should start doing the quests associated with it as early as possible in order to raise your reputation with its capital city.

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