Youtuber Life Beyond $12m in Revenue and new Fashion Channel DLC

We’ve taken a look at Youtuber Life already (In fact you can find the Early Access review here.) and we loved it. Well we are certainly not alone, as the Streaming sim developed by Raiser Games has surpassed $12 Million in revenue since its release, and to celebrate this monumental achievement they’ve released another Youtuber Life channel in the form of the Fashion DLC.

Since Youtuber Life was released back in May 2016, it has amassed a staggering $12m in revenue. A monumental event, but hardly surprising when you know that this is due to over 1m copies of the game sold, with 50k Youtuber videos created by 20k players, which all total up to over 150 million views. It was also favorable received by famous high-profile Youtubers such as PewDiePie, DanTDM, VEGETA777, Call Me Kevin, Lachlan, Jacksepticeye, Node, Nick Dominates also loved Youtubers Life — just to name a few.

So, to celebrate, they’re released a new Youtuber Life channel by was of a new DLC, that gives you the chance to be Youtuber Fashion star. As you run your own Fashion channel you’ll get to engage with your audience in new ways, from creating your own fashion clothes, accessories and hairstyles to tailoring any aspect of your day to day life. As you become more and more famous you may be invited by your sponsors to unique events where you will meet the biggest celebrities of the planet!

Fashion DLC Key Features

  • Buy and design your own outfits: you will have to combine different styles and colors, always keeping in mind how they suit the time of the year!
  • Tailor every aspect of your personal life: you can design new outfits, experiment with makeup styles and even get creative with your own haircuts!
  • Create fashion videos: once you tailor your first outfits you will be able to record a variety of videos about them. Start getting those totally deserved subscribers!
  • Attend fashion events to become a celebrity — but be careful, because you need to dress properly if you want to make it to that fashion magazine cover!
  • Become the next top model: Pick the best outfit and share the runway with the world’s top models in this fun mini-game!

The Youtuber Life Fashion DLC will be released as a free DLC on Steam and consoles (and sold separately on mobile devices) on November 7.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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