Why Can’t I Buy The Outer Worlds Through Steam?

The Outer Worlds is finally here!
The new single-player, first-person, sci-fi RPG is ready to take you on an exciting, player-driven adventure of determining the fate of a multi-faceted Halcyon colony far from Earth that, despite its many powerful corporations, is falling apart and is in need of a drastic change in leadership.

Obsidian’s creative approach towards the stat and skill system, the realistic design of otherworldly environments, and the immersive stories with their memorable characters are definitely worth experiencing, even without nostalgia for the RPG industry’s classic, Fallout: New Vegas.

Well, you looked The Outer Worlds up on Steam, and something doesn’t match up – the game isn’t available! The exciting trailer and the screenshots on the page might have hyped you up, but the release date states “2020,” even though you know that the game should already be available.

That’s correct – you would have to get it from either the Microsoft Store or the Epic Games until later in 2020. One of the two options has a particularly unpleasant reputation, so many players opted to wait until the game comes out on Steam.

But how long would we have to wait?

Here is what we know so far: Obsidian told its Twitter followers that the game “will be released on other digital platforms 12 months later,” in a tweet from March 20, 2019. (Which probably means, around late October of 2020.) The game is still available on XBOX and PS4, and there are plans to release it for Nintendo Switch.

You have several options for getting the game right now, but maybe the convenience of your current client setup can justify waiting for a little bit longer to get it right how you want it. Well, perhaps that date will match the release of The Outer Worlds DLC expansion, which is also scheduled for later 2020. This means that you can play the game in its complete form, joining the wave of returning passionate fans.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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