The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs
By DanielD | February 13, 2025

The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs

Welcome to our collection of quest walkthroughs for the Outer Worlds! Below, you’ll find detailed instructions for completing all of the main quests of the game, plus walkthroughs for side quests. Each quest is labeled with the area that it takes place in.
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Tutorials – Gotham Knights
By DanielD | January 30, 2025

Tutorials – Gotham Knights

This page offers a number of basic tutorials on Gotham Knights mechanics and features, from Multiplayer and the special game modes, to leveling up and saving the game. Just click a link from the menu below to see a detailed guide on the topic in question!
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Sacred Review

G4techTV has tossed up a review of Sacred, giving Ascaron’s Diablo-like action RPG an overall score of 3 Their review is not without some negative aspects, though, with their conclusion going something like this: It’s a testament to the game…

World of Warcraft Previews

Both GameSpy and IGN PC have whipped up some new previews of Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, in which they detail the new PvP system, rideable mounts, and more. Here’s a snip from GameSpy’s: One of the most difficult aspects for…

Vampire: Bloodlines Designer Diary #7

GameSpot has dished up the seventh installment to their ongoing designer diaries for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. This time, Troika programmer Dennis Taylor discusses the game’s artificial intelligence and how humans and vampires will behave realistically. An excerpt to…

The Bard’s Tale Developer Diary

Gamer’s Pulse is offering up another developer diary for The Bard’s Tale, but it is once again identical to what GameSpy already posted last week. Very strange that two sites are posting the same diaries… isn’t it? Here’s how it…

City of Heroes Features Update #1

Cryptic Studios has announced that their first major content patch for City of Heroes is now available on the game’s test server. The update is called “Through the Looking Glass” and offers the following additions: New City Zones The Rikti…

SpellForce: Breath of Winter Goes Gold

Earlier today, Phenomic and JoWood updated the official SpellForce website with news that the Breath of Winter expansion has officially game gold. Here’s a snip from their news: The first Add-on to the critically acclaimed genre-spanning Role-Playing-Strategy hit Spellforce –…

City of Heroes Review

GamerzAlliance has posted a review of City of Heroes, giving the superhero MMORPG an overall score of 83 Their conclusion to follow: If your tired of the average MMO and enjoy the super hero theme I suggest you give CoH…

Camelot Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald: =================================== Dark Age of Camelot Test Version 1.70ad Release Notes June 15, 2004 =================================== NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES – (Pendragon Only) Heal spells will only fail if you are at full health if the…

Fable Community Update #7

The Lionhead Times has been updated with the seventh Fable community update, this time discussing the finishing touches they’re making to the Xbox RPG. According to the report, decapitated head soccer and gay marriages are still in… The final balancing…