The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs
By DanielD | February 13, 2025

The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs

Welcome to our collection of quest walkthroughs for the Outer Worlds! Below, you’ll find detailed instructions for completing all of the main quests of the game, plus walkthroughs for side quests. Each quest is labeled with the area that it takes place in.
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Tutorials – Gotham Knights
By DanielD | January 30, 2025

Tutorials – Gotham Knights

This page offers a number of basic tutorials on Gotham Knights mechanics and features, from Multiplayer and the special game modes, to leveling up and saving the game. Just click a link from the menu below to see a detailed guide on the topic in question!
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Camelot Patch Notes v1.43b (Test)

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has made the v1.43b test patch notes available over at Camelot Herald. Here’s a bit of what’s to come: Dual wield and Celtic dual wield percentages have been increased slightly. Lower level (pre-20th) dual-wielding classes won’t notice…

Whispers abound…

Two new screenshots have surfaced over at Shacknews from the upcoming game Shadowbane.

Morrowind Developer Q&A #16

The sixteenth Morrowind Developer Q&A has been posted up over at RPGVault. Here’s a snippet: Jonric: Please describe a location, item, monster or some other game element that is not on the critical path, but that you consider especially interesting,…

Shadowbane Beta Begins

Wolfpack and Ubi Soft issued the following press release earlier today announcing that the Shadowbane beta has officially begun: January 17th 2002: Wolfpack Studios and are pleased to announce that the official North American closed beta test has commenced…

DAoC Sells More Than 200,000 Copies

Mythic Entertainment issued a press release yesterday announcing that they have now sold over 200,000 copies of Dark Age of Camelot. Crazy. Here ya go: DARK AGE OF CAMELOT SELLS OVER 200,000 COPIES – WINS MULTIPLE GAME OF THE YEAR…

Morrowind Preview

If you head over to GamesDomain, you’ll find a new preview of Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind, which talks about both the game and its construction kit. Here’s a snippet: From what we’ve seen of it so far, Morrowind’s graphics seem to…

Equipment Update

Once again, here are several pieces of equipment from Albion and quite a few from Hibernia (thanks to Kole of Incubi). I’m not sure why people aren’t submitting Midgard equipment, so if you play a character from that realm, please…

Patch Notes v1.43 (Test)

Sanya has posted the version 1.43 patch notes from Pendragon up on the Camelot Herald. Here’s a snippet of what is to come: Due to numerous reports of buffs/debuff spells not having noticable effects (such as consitution buffs not modifying…

Matt Firor Speaks

Matt Firor made a post on the Camelot Herald earlier today that addresses some concerns people had with the abilities added to the Mercenary, Hero, and Blademaster yesterday. Here’s a taste: We’re getting to the point where we want to…

Patch Notes v1.42b

A small update (v1.42b) was added to the Camelot servers today that fixes a couple of bugs from yesterday’s patch: ======================================== Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.42b Server Update ======================================== – We found and fixed a bug where only group…