The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs
By DanielD | February 13, 2025

The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs

Welcome to our collection of quest walkthroughs for the Outer Worlds! Below, you’ll find detailed instructions for completing all of the main quests of the game, plus walkthroughs for side quests. Each quest is labeled with the area that it takes place in.
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Tutorials – Gotham Knights
By DanielD | January 30, 2025

Tutorials – Gotham Knights

This page offers a number of basic tutorials on Gotham Knights mechanics and features, from Multiplayer and the special game modes, to leveling up and saving the game. Just click a link from the menu below to see a detailed guide on the topic in question!
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Warcraft III Tidbits

There are a couple interesting pieces of news regarding Blizzard’s upcoming Warcraft III today, including a new preview of the game over at Invisible Dreams that includes the following snippet: WarCraft III picks up a few years after WarCraft Adventures…

Equipment Update

Here’s a small Albion equipment update before I head in-game… Updated Albion Belts: Girdle of Cat-like MovementUpdated Albion Crushing: Darkened SledgeUpdated Albion Neck: Grass Choker, Snowdonian Bandit Warmer, Troll Bone Necklace

Patch 1.37c Release Notes

Today, Mythic patched the game to version 1.37c, which includes *a lot* of interesting enhancements. With this patch, Stonehenge Barrows is now itemized, so I will be logging in shortly to do some farming =). Expect a Barrows item update…

Morrowind News

It seems Bethesda’s highly anticipated Morrowind continues to receive a lot of coverage around the ‘net, and today is no different. First of all, there are fourteen screenshots and sixteen pieces of character art from the Xbox version of the…

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance Ships

Black Isle Studios sent out a press release announcing that Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance has officially shipped. Here’s the scoop on what looks to be an awesome game (wish I owned a PS2): IRVINE, California, December 3, 2001 – Black…

Packmule Gets a New Look

Dungeon Siege news has been a little slow lately, but it looks like Ahnteis has still been busy over at I just noticed that he has given the site a whole new look, so head on over and check…

Equipment Update

Today’s update includes even more equipment from Albion. Enjoy. Updated Albion Boots (Leather): Forest Runner’s BootsUpdated Albion Chest (Leather): Pilfered JerkinUpdated Albion Cloaks: Rancid Fur Cape, Velvet Lined CloakUpdated Albion Gloves (Chain): Footman’s Chain SleevesUpdated Albion Helmets (Cloth): Cap of…

Might & Magic IX Pair o’ Screens has kindly let us know that their site quietly posted two new screenshots of NWC’s Might & Magic IX, the sequel that’s supposed to be released sometime near March of ’02. To be honest, I was expecting something a…

Morrowind Magic and Skills

I read over at RPGVault that Computer Games Online has put up a listing of the Magic and Stealth skill schools from Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind, presented with the actual game icons that will represent each one.

Equipment Update

Albion equipment once again… Updated Albion Belts: Oaken GirdleUpdated Albion Boots (Leather): Observer’s BootsUpdated Albion Cloaks: Molded CloakUpdated Albion Gloves (Leather): Musty Leather GlovesUpdated Albion Helmets (Cloth): Glittering Arcanite CapUpdated Albion Jewelry: Pulsing RubyUpdated Albion Leggings (Chain): Leggings of the…