The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs
By DanielD | February 13, 2025

The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs

Welcome to our collection of quest walkthroughs for the Outer Worlds! Below, you’ll find detailed instructions for completing all of the main quests of the game, plus walkthroughs for side quests. Each quest is labeled with the area that it takes place in.
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Tutorials – Gotham Knights
By DanielD | January 30, 2025

Tutorials – Gotham Knights

This page offers a number of basic tutorials on Gotham Knights mechanics and features, from Multiplayer and the special game modes, to leveling up and saving the game. Just click a link from the menu below to see a detailed guide on the topic in question!
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Equipment Update

For those of you inquiring about our spell sections, I’m aware that they are incomplete at the moment. I’m currently working on several different sections of the site, and the spell sections will be populated soon. Having said that, here’s…

Humorous Ravings of a D2 Fanatic

Will this game ever die?! Heheh, if I didn’t have so many other things going on it’s one I’d love to get into again (can’t stop spending time in the trading channels though when I’m there…) … so on to…

Morrowind Interview

Euro-Morrowind put up an interview with Todd Howard, workaholic on none other than the game mentioned above, detailing all sorts of fascinating tids, such as: Q: Will the players choice of character class significantly affect how they advance through the…

RPG of the Year

Want to cast a vote for the RPG of the year? Well, I noticed that Voodoo Extreme’s new poll allows you to do just that. Here’s a list of the contenders: AC: Dark MajestyAnachronoxAnarchy OnlineArcanumBG2: Throne of BhaalDark Age of…

Equipment Update

Well, after shoveling snow for the last couple of hours (why do I live here?) I’m running a bit short on time, but here’s a small Albion/Midgard equipment update to hold you over until tomorrow. Updated Albion Arms (Plate): Sleeves…

Morrowind Delay

I read over at Voodoo Extreme that Douglas Goodall of Bethesda stopped by the Elder Scrolls forums to post an update on why Morrowind is being delayed. Here’s a rip from their forums: The game is not being delayed because…

Arcanum Mod Warehouse

If you’re a fan of the isometric Fallout-esque RPG Arcanum, then you might like to hear that the website Terra-Arcanum has opened up what it calls Arcanum ModWorld in their domain. Calis from the site said fans can expect (besides…

MMORPG Article @ Gamer’s Voice

Gamer’s Voice has written up an article that takes a look at the current and future MMORPG market (including Dark Age of Camelot and Shadowbane), and essentially critisizes the developers for not producing something new and different from past MMORPGs.…

Equipment Update

Between our equipment sections for each of the three realms and our vendor-bought armor and weapon databases, we now have literally *thousands* of items online. To add to the ever-growing amount, here is another extensive equipment update. Updated Albion Arms…