Tutorials – Gotham Knights
By DanielD | January 30, 2025

Tutorials – Gotham Knights

This page offers a number of basic tutorials on Gotham Knights mechanics and features, from Multiplayer and the special game modes, to leveling up and saving the game. Just click a link from the menu below to see a detailed guide on the topic in question!
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Puzzle Solutions – Gotham Knights
By DanielD | January 30, 2025

Puzzle Solutions – Gotham Knights

Welcome to our Gotham Knights Puzzle Solutions page! Here you’ll find detailed guides on how to solve every puzzle in Gotham Knights. To see the solution to a specific puzzle, just click a guide from the menu below. How Gotham Knights Puzzles Work While each puzzle is a little bit different, they almost all require […]
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Vault 0 – Fallout Tactics Mission
By Steven Carter | November 29, 2024

Vault 0 – Fallout Tactics Mission

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about the mission at Vault 0, where you’ll put an end to the robot threat — one way or another. This is the final mission in the game. Map Objectives Walkthrough You’ll start out in a safe room inside Vault 0 (#1). You’ll meet […]
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Official Terminology

Sanya replied to a post on the Camelot Vault boards responding to a question about the words she and Mythic use to describe servers Here is the post: They told me to say “shard” – I occasionally screw up and…

Darkfall Update

Darkfall, a MMORPG that was announced just a week ago, has updated its site with a new description of their Alfar race. Here is the news from the website: Alfar Racial Description up!09/08/2001 “A history of war, under the leadership…

Gothic Preview

GameZNet has posted up a preview of the european RPG Gothic, based upon a preview copy. Here’s a taste: Combine that with very detailed background and the entire world almost feels real. Suspension of disbelief has become more and more…

Baldur’s Gate Walkthrough Finished

For those of you who might not visit our Baldur’s Gate site, our walkthrough for the original classic is officially complete tonight (with ToSC coming soon). From Candlekeep to the Temple of Bhaal below Baldur’s Gate, I think you’ll find…

Baldur’s Gate Walkthrough Finished

Silviu has sent me the final two areas of Baldur’s Gate, which I just finished formatting and posting up. I hope all of you enjoy the excellent walkthrough that Silviu has written, it’s definitely packed full of information. Updated Pages:…

Chat Features

Dave Rickey just posted an infobit about the new chat features they just added to the game. Here is his post from Camelot Vault: We just put in a bunch of new chat functionality. What we’ve got is: Say (speak…

DAoC Dungeon Screenshots

J.C. Smith over at Gameznet sent out word that they have put up 6 shots of the new dungeon in DAoC, Stonehenge Barrows. Start your browsing with the first 3 shots. As is the norm with DAoC, the scenery is…

Class Viability in Camelot

Sanya made a post on the Camelot Vault message boards today about the viability of classes during different points of the game. Here is the post: Dunno about you guys, but I remember when enchanters were considered a “useless” class…

HOMM IV Screen Improvements

The graphics in the game are certainly getting better. In this new batch of screenshots of Heroes of Might & Magic IV, an exclusive from Freelancer, the visuals in the game have significantly improved since the last preview I saw.…