The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs
By DanielD | February 13, 2025

The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs

Welcome to our collection of quest walkthroughs for the Outer Worlds! Below, you’ll find detailed instructions for completing all of the main quests of the game, plus walkthroughs for side quests. Each quest is labeled with the area that it takes place in.
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Tutorials – Gotham Knights
By DanielD | January 30, 2025

Tutorials – Gotham Knights

This page offers a number of basic tutorials on Gotham Knights mechanics and features, from Multiplayer and the special game modes, to leveling up and saving the game. Just click a link from the menu below to see a detailed guide on the topic in question!
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Neverwinter Scripting University

In preparation for those awesome Dungeon Master mods people will be making (after this course of course), the Neverwinter Vault has started an epic classroom for the scripting of events, nay, worlds! in BioWare’s upcoming creative RPG locomotive, Neverwinter Nights.

Dark Age o’ Camelot Time Phased Screens

The official site, released 4 screens of Castle Camelot taken at different times of the day to show off their newly implemented dynamic colored lighting routines. On a tangent:I wonder how many of us have, in a game like…

Anarchy Online Massive Intro Cont’d

The drama that is enveloped within the MMORPG Anarchy Online is about to be introduced to us when the servers become live tomorrow and the game hits the shelves. Well, according to Voodooextreme, the game’s already reached some CompUSA’s.…

Wizardry 8 Preview

It’s been awhile since we’ve heard about Wizardry 8, but it looks like Well Rounded Entertainment has posted up a preview of the RPG, complete with some new screenshots. Here’s a taste: Most combat spells are area-effect and work better…

Evening Update

Tonight we have some more high-level spells, several more pieces of equipment, a small update to the walkthrough, and the addition of the Wild Mage class. Updated Pages: ToB Walkthrough (includes a small update to Kiser’s Home 2), Cespenar’s Forge…

More Equipment

Just another quick announcement before this update. We’re aware of the slowdown that occurs at times on the GameBanshee server. Since Throne of Bhaal’s release, our traffic has increased dramatically (and it was high before), crossing the line on what…

Asheron’s Call Expansion Announced

For those of you who have an Asheron’s Call account, looks like Microsoft is going to be releasing an expansion for the game. Here’s the official press release: NEW PORTAL OPENS! ASHERON’S CALL: DARK MAJESTY EXPANSION PACK AVAILABLE THIS HOLIDAY…

Shadows of Luclin Trailer

Sony Online Entertainment has released a new video trailer for Shadows of Luclin, its third official expansion to EverQuest. The 50-second trailer shows off some of the expansion’s unique features, including indoor and outdoor environments, characters, armor, and creatures. You…

New Screenshots

RPGDot has posted up a dozen new screenshots from the Dark Age of Camelot beta.


While perusing the Developer’s Board on the official AE site, I noticed a post by Matthew Burroughs. He is asking Horizons fans to vote in a current Voodoo Extreme poll about upcoming MMORPGs. Here is the quoted message: On my…