Tutorials – Gotham Knights
By DanielD | January 30, 2025

Tutorials – Gotham Knights

This page offers a number of basic tutorials on Gotham Knights mechanics and features, from Multiplayer and the special game modes, to leveling up and saving the game. Just click a link from the menu below to see a detailed guide on the topic in question!
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The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs
By DanielD | February 13, 2025

The Outer Worlds Quest Walkthroughs

Welcome to our collection of quest walkthroughs for the Outer Worlds! Below, you’ll find detailed instructions for completing all of the main quests of the game, plus walkthroughs for side quests. Each quest is labeled with the area that it takes place in.
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Tutorials – Gotham Knights
By DanielD | January 30, 2025

Tutorials – Gotham Knights

This page offers a number of basic tutorials on Gotham Knights mechanics and features, from Multiplayer and the special game modes, to leveling up and saving the game. Just click a link from the menu below to see a detailed guide on the topic in question!
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Jagged Alliance: Rage! Preview

Barring any last-minute delays, Jagged Alliance: Rage! should be releasing on December 6, 2018. And if you’re interested in reading a thing or two about the game’s systems and mechanics in their current early iteration, you may want to check…

Pathfinder: Kingmaker GOG Q&A, Hotfix 1.0.8 Available

A couple days back, Chris Avellone joined Owlcat Games’ developer livestream to talk about their recently released cRPG Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Unfortunately, due to some technical issues, I don’t think it’s possible to watch a VOD that includes Chris’ portion of…

Visage header

Visage – Early Access Horror Review

Now it’s officially Spook-tober, many of us will be wanting to get our hands on some of the scariest and creepiest games we can find. With a plethora of horror games on offer, it may be difficult to know what…

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Gameplay Walkthrough Video

CD Projekt’s standalone Gwent-based single-player RPG Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is currently slated for an October 23, 2018 release, and if you’d like to see the game in action before that, you can now watch this developer-narrated gameplay walkthrough video…

Underworld Ascendant Backer Beta Available

Otherside Entertainment’s immersive sim Underworld Ascendant should be going live in about a month, on November 15, 2018, but if you’ve backed the game’s crowdfunding campaign, you should now have access to a playable backer beta with a taste of…

Iceberg Interactive Gaming Cypher

Iceberg Interactive Publisher Weekend FIVE DAY SALE

Starpoint Gemini Warlords. Oriental Empires. RTS Circle Empires. What do all three of these titles have in common? It’s publisher, Iceberg Interactive. All of these titles, including many more, are up for sale in Iceberg Interactive’s five-day sale. Sale! Sale!…

Sims 4 get famous

The Sims 4 Get Famous – Reaching Super-Stardom

The latest Sims 4 game pack is out and this time its all about celebrity: The Sims 4 Get Famous. Grow from rags-to-riches in this new expansion for the game. By the looks of things, the main avenue to becoming…