How to Get Leather – Palworld

Leather is a valuable resource in Palworld, letting you craft important items such as armor. Unfortunately, this resource is not simply found in the world like other materials such as Rocks and Wood. There is still plenty of Leather you can find, however, and this guide will show you where and how to obtain it.

How to Get Leather

You can get Leather as a drop from specific Pals — so if you want to get some, you will have to hunt down the Pals that can drop it. Of course, this means figuring out which Pals drop leather!

To check which Pals will drop it, you will first have to encounter a Pal in the wild and catch it so that its information gets added to your Paldeck. That done, you can check the Pal’s Stats menu in the Paldeck to see what items a Pal can drop — the first one most players will likely see that can drop Leather will be Foxparks.

It’s worth noting that higher level Pals can potentially drop more Leather.

palworld leather drops v2
The ‘Possible Drops’ section in the bottom right of the Paldeck Stats page will show you what a Pal can drop

Once you have discovered a Pal that drops Leather, you can switch to the Habitat tab of the Paldeck screen (by pressing the indicated button at the top of the screen). Go to any of the highlighted areas on the map, and defeat the Pals needed to start gathering Leather.

Alternatively, you can purchase Leather from any Wandering Merchant. Buying Leather from them will cost 150 Gold each.

Pals That Can Drop Leather

Below is a list of all of the Pals that can drop Leather, and their habitats:

Pal NamePaldeck NumberHabitat
(click to zoom)
Foxparks5palworld foxparks habitat
Fuack6palworld fuack habitat
Rooby9palworld rooby habitat
Vixy14palworld vixy habitat
Rushoar20palworld rushoar habitat
Nox (night only)21palworld nox habitat
Fuddler22palworld fuddler habitat
Direhowl26palworld direhowl habitat
Mossanda33palworld mossanda habitat
Mossanda Lux33bpalworld mossanda lux habitat
Melpaca36palworld melpaca habitat
Eikthyrdeer37palworld eikthyrdeer habitat
Eikthyrdeer Terra37bpalworld eikthyrdeer terra habitat
Nitewing38palworld nitewing habitat
Ribbuny39palworld ribbuny habitat
Incineram40palworld incineram habitat
Incineram Noct40bpalworld incineram noct habitat
Galeclaw47palworld galeclaw habitat
Gorirat49palworld gorirat habitat
Chillet55palworld chillet habitat
Chillet Ignis55bpalworld chillet ignis habitat
Univolt56palworld univolt habitat
Foxcicle57palworld foxcicle habitat
Pyrin58palworld pyrin habitat
Pyrin Noct (night only)58bpalworld pyrin noct habitat
Reindrix59palworld reindrix
Kitsun (night only)61palworld kitsun habitat
Tombat (night only)68palworld tombat habitat
Katress (night only)75palworld katress habitat
Verdash77palworld verdash habitat
Mammorest90palworld mammorest habitat
Mammorest Cryst90bpalworld mammorest cryst habitat
Fenglope93palworld fenglope habitat
Grizzbolt103palworld grizzbolt habitat
Kikit117palworld kikit habitat
Yakumo121yakumo habitat

As you progress in the game, you will find more Pals that will drop Leather, giving you even more choices on where to go to get some. Head over to a large area in their habitat, and you will have plenty in no time!

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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