Hatching eggs is a great way to get new Pals in Palworld — these eggs can be found either out in the wild or from breeding. To hatch them, you will need to keep them in the Egg Incubator for a period of time, and one of the biggest factors determining how long it will take is how comfortable the egg is while incubating: some will hatch faster when it’s warm, and others will need you to keep them cool.
Yet, keeping eggs at the correct temperature can be a bit confusing, especially if you just can’t fix “Seems a little cold” status no matter what you try. In this guide, we will go over how to keep your eggs at their desired temperatures (and what each egg type prefers), as well as how to create a perfect base for incubation!
How to Keep Incubated Eggs At Best Temperature
Each egg comes in a different size, which affects how long it takes to hatch (larger eggs will take longer). However, the next most important factor for the incubation time is keeping the egg at its ideal temperature.
Each egg comes with a preference: eggs for Fire type Pals will need to be kept warm, for example, but hatching a Water type will go faster in a cooler temperature. We will discuss this in more detail later in the guide.
First, let’s go over how to check temperature around you, what affects it, and how you can manipulate it for your incubator.
How to Check Temperature Around You
You can check the temperature of your surroundings at any time: just take a look at a meter immediately to the right of your health bar, the needle inside a semi-circle.
If the needle is in the center, you are at a neutral temperature.
The further right it is, the more hot the temperature is.
The further left it is, the more cold the temperature is.
On the meter you will see 4 sections for Cold temperature, 4 sections for Hot temperature, and a neutral middle section. Start paying more attention to how it changes (we will cover what affects that in the next section), and keeping your eggs at a perfect temperature will start to feel much more natural!
Inside this house, the temperature is perfectly neutral
There are several factors that control the egg’s temperature, which you will need to take into consideration:
Base location (biomes)
Time of day (day vs. night)
Shelter (indoors vs. outdoors)
Heaters and coolers (their effects don’t stack)
Below we will go into more detail on each of these.
Base Location
Determine the natural temperature of the biome
Neutral locations are more flexible
Extreme biomes can be great for certain egg types
We will discuss locations with multiple temperatures later in the guide
Where you decide to build your base will be a huge factor on what your egg temperature will be, as you will have to make all of the other factors work around the location’s base temperature. Every major area in Palworld (also known as a biome) has its own temperature — many areas will have a neutral temperature, but there are also areas with extreme heat or cold conditions.
To check the temperature, just head over to an area where you’re interested in building your base and check the temperature meter. If you want a more flexible environment, look for an area with a neutral temperature. If you want something in one of the extremes (for hatching Scorching or Frozen Eggs easier, for example), you can make a base in a desert or in a snowy area.
Time of Day
Temperature goes up by one during the day
Temperature drops by one during the night
The time of day affects the ambient temperature of your area. During the day, the heat will go up by one level, while at night time, it goes down by one. You can use this to your advantage with eggs that take less time to hatch (that is, smaller eggs), incubating them during the optimal time of the day.
Indoors or Outdoors
Temperature moves one level towards neutral inside a building
The decision to shelter the incubator inside a building will also affect its temperature. If you place it indoors, the temperature will move one level towards being neutral — for example, if it’s hot outside and you go inside of a building, it will be colder by one level. You can use this to your advantage to help make two different environments in one base, helping you hatch a wider variety of eggs more easily.
Heaters and Coolers
Basic heater, cooler, or a campfire will change the temperature by one
Their electric upgrades will affect the temperature by two
Their effects do not stack! (Even that of a Heater and a Fireplace)
Another tool to help regulate temperature of your eggs are heaters and coolers. These structures (plus campfires), will increase or decrease the temperature of an area within your base by one level, with their electric upgrades changing it by two. Using this in combination with building can help greatly with getting your optimal temperature.
Something important to know is that multiple heaters or coolers will not stack with each other. This means that you cannot simply place a bunch of Fireplaces to heat up your egg. Likewise, having a Heater and a Fireplace in the same spot will have the same effect as if you only had one of them. Between the basic versions and electric ones, only the best will apply (so, the most you can change the temperature by is two).
Do NOT try this to keep your eggs warm!
What Temperature Should I Keep My Egg At?
Now that we know what all affects an egg’s temperature, we need to know what temperatures to aim for.
Each egg type likes a different temperature to be comfortable:
Damp, Dark, and Frozen Eggs like colder temperatures
Common, Electric, and Verdant Eggs prefer warm/neutral temperatures
Dragon, Rocky, and Scorching Eggs will want hot temperatures
This is important important to know if you want to keep each egg happy. If you want to hatch Scorching Eggs, you can take them into a hotter environment and take advantage of Heaters. In the case of a Common Egg, you can place it inside a building in a biome that mostly stays neutral.
The Perfect Base for Incubation
It is possible to create a base that will satisfy all three groups of eggs perfectly. There are areas you can find that actually have two different temperatures within the range of a base — a great example is at -357, -73.
In a place like this, you can build some incubators on the cold side, some on the warmer side, and some even further on the warmer side, with a Campfire nearby. This allows you to easily keep your eggs happy, no matter what type they are!
One of the best areas for an egg incubation base at (-357, -73)
Electric Egg Incubator
Once you reach level 37, you can make egg incubation much easier. At this point, you can learn the Electric Egg Incubator with 5 Ancient Technology Points. Once learned, it can be made with the following materials:
While this can be costly to make, it’s well worth it. If you keep electricity running for this incubator, it will automatically adjust itself to be the optimal temperature for your egg. This means no more worrying about all the factors we were talking about earlier — you can place this in any environment and put any egg in it, and it will hatch as fast as possible!
Now that you know what affects your incubation speed and how to manipulate it, you can work towards making sure all of your eggs are comfortable and will hatch as quickly as possible!
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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.