Pal Type Weaknesses & Strengths – Palworld

Like most games that feature elemental damage, Palworld’s various elemental types are strong against some types and weak against others. Knowing what Pals will be strong against which type of enemies will allow you to be more strategic with your party loadout. In this guide, we will go over all of them for you!

Pal Type Weaknesses & Strengths

Here are some things you should keep in mind for the Types:

  • Each Pal Type will be weak to one type, and strong against another.
  • There are two exceptions to this rule:
    • Fire is strong against two types.
    • Neutral is strong against nothing.

It should be noted that some Pals you encounter will be Dual Type, which will mean they will be weak against two types instead of just one.

Pal Type Weaknesses & Strengths Chart

Below we will list out what each Pal Type is weak and strong against:

TypeIconWeak AgainstStrong Against
Grasspalworld element leafFireGround
Groundpalworld element earthGrassElectric
Electricpalworld element electricityGroundWater
Waterpalworld element waterElectricFire
Firepalworld element fireWaterGrass, Ice
Icepalworld element iceFireDragon
Dragonpalworld element dragonIceDark
Darkpalworld element darkDragonNeutral
Neutralpalworld element neutralDarkNone

Here is another way to visualize this:

palworld pal strengths and weaknesses

Try keeping these Type weaknesses and strengths in mind as you’re exploring, and especially when preparing for a boss fight, and it will help you have better success in your battles!

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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