Best Way to Store Items – Palworld

Being a survival/crafting game, Palworld sees you collecting, creating, and storing a lot of stuff. And yet, the storage containers in Palworld are, to put it mildly, lacking. Most containers have surprisingly little storage space, they all take up different amounts of space, and none of the menus tells you how much each container stores. That can make planning and organizing your storage a bit of a nightmare.

Thankfully, this guide will help you maximize your storage, keeping in mind storage amount, space taken up, tech level, and resources required, so that you can make the most of your cluttered goods.

Best Storage Container Chart

While Palworld offers you a glut of options when it comes to storage, not all storage is created equally. Much of it can be useful decoratively or for niche purposes, but is inefficient for storing large quantities of goods. Below, we’ve compile a list of the most useful storage containers, including how much they can store, what tech level you can acquire them at, and how large they are physically as part of your base. Any items not on this list should be assumed to be inefficient.

ContainerStorage SpacesTechProfile
Wooden Chest102Medium
Wooden Box108Medium
Wooden Barrel Shelf158Large
Cooler Box (Food Storage)1013Medium
Antique Wardrobe2014Medium
Metal Chest2416Medium
Large Container4032Large
Refrigerator (Food Storage)2538Medium
Refined Metal Chest4039Medium
t icon buildobject itemchest

Wooden Chest: The chest that you start with actually has pretty decent storage, all things considered, having a solid 10 spaces and taking up relatively little space despite how quickly you get it. It is also very cheap on resources.

t icon buildobject box wood

Wooden Box: The wooden box is slightly smaller for the same amount of storage, and somewhat easier to organize than the wooden chest, and only slightly more expensive.

t icon buildobject shelf cask wood

Wooden Barrel Shelf: While this is a very large item, if you have a space where you need one big container rather than several small containers (which would be more efficient), such as for storing eggs, this is your highest capacity storage until level 20.

t icon buildobject coolerbox

Cooler Box: The default refrigerator option, this should be used to store food in until you get the much more efficient refrigerator (much later).

t icon buildobject shelf02 stone

Antique Wardrobe: One of the best storage items in the game, the antique wardrobe stores 20 items, but still remains smaller in horizontal dimensions than the storage before it.

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Metal Chest: An expensive replacement for the Wooden Chest and Boxes, the Metal Chest has a massive 24 slots for storage, making it the most efficient storage container until level 39.

t icon buildobject shelf04 iron

Locker: While holding ever so slightly less than the Metal Chest, the locker’s tiny profile makes it perfect for mass storage of unique items. It has the nice advantage of being able to fit seemingly anywhere.

t icon buildobject container01 iron

Large Container: This gigantic container is your best option from levels 32 to 39 for just storing a ton of stuff. It’s massive size can actually be used to its advantage, if you want to build around storage containers you can make sure it connects to multiple rooms in a base.

t icon buildobject refrigerator

Refrigerator: An immediate upgrade from the Cooler Box, this refrigerator can store most of the food items in the game in it at the same time. One of these should make sure you are set on food preservation for the rest of your time playing the game.

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Refined Metal Chest: The most efficient storage in the game, a Refined Metal Chest can hold an astonishing 40 items, and is still not too large (especially compared to the large container). It doesn’t even cost that many resources.

Now that you know the best methods of storage, it’s time to stow those 500-stacks of stone, put away your 13 sets of armor, refrigerate that cooked steak that you somehow ended up with, and head off for adventure!

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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