Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Beta Patch v1.1.0 Available

The team at Obsidian Entertainment is still busy working on the upcoming major update for Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire that should address a lot of the pirate-themed CRPG’s issues, but if you just can’t wait to get your hands on some bits of updated content, you can already install the beta version of this v1.1.0 patch. You can find the instructions on how to do so, as well as some patch highlights, in this Steam announcement. Here’s a bit on what you will find there:

New Features & Updates:

Intro Skip Added:

  • There is now a Start & Skip Intro button that brings the player directly to the second level of the game.

Veteran & PotD Balance Improvements (Still in Progress!!)

  • Armor and Penetration now scale up on PotD.
  • Many encounters have had units swapped out for tougher versions.
  • Some encounters have had units added or set to ambush the party during the encounter.

AI support and updates:

  • All Conditionals have now been categorized in the Custom AI menu
  • The AI Toggle button on the ability bar now supports cycling through: Attacking while using Abilities, Attacking while not using Abilities, and Not using AI
  • The following actions can now be conditionalized in Custom AI: Using Consumable quick slot items, Activating Modals, Switching Weapon Sets, and Basic Weapon Attacking

Ship Resupply

  • A new “Refill Ship Supplies” button can now be used to conveniently purchase ship supplies from any storefront that sells Medical Supplies, Cannon Shot, and Repair Supplies

World Map Legend Added

  • A new Map Legend has been added that allows all icons on the World Map to be filtered by category

Character Appearance Improvements

  • Character Appearance can now be changed in-game via the Appearance button on the Inventory screen (Player and adventurers only)
  • Character Hairstyles are now rendered naturally with some Hats (Player and Adventurer only for now, companions coming before we launch the patch)
  • Eye Color customization has been added.

Graphics options expanded

  • New Toggles have been added to the Graphics menu to enable/disable certain visual features.

News Feed Updated

  • The News Feed on the Main Menu has been revamped to include links to the latest articles, DLC, and social media

Major Issues

  • Leveling up characters with bonus weapon sets no longer causes a black screen
  • Resolved an issue that blocked users with certain permissions from loading saves.
  • Creating a multiclass character with spells and non-spell abilities no longer blocks character creation.
  • Many edge case crashes (reported by users) have also been resolved.

General Issues

  • Retraining a character (Respec) will no longer remove learned talents & abilities such as watcher abilities nor purchased skill bonuses
  • Ships on the world map no longer move while time is stopped (If the player’s vessel is not moving)
  • Watcher’s can no longer purchase more supplies than their ship can hold
  • Eder & Xoti no longer repeat the same banter over and over.

And many many others! (We will continue to add the most prevalent ones to this list)

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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