Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Update #57 – Patch v3.1 Live

The latest Fig update for Obsidian Entertainment’s Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire directs our attention to the recently released v3.1.0 patch for the pirate-themed RPG that simplifies the game’s UI, adds the ability to adjust the radius of certain spells, introduces new Berath’s Blessings, god challenges, and even a secret mega boss.

Apart from that, the update mentions physical backer rewards and the upcoming Extra Life charity marathon, and shares a DLC timeline infographic. Here’s an excerpt:

Update 3.1

The patch is live! Some of the highlights of Update 3.1 include:

  • UI Simplifications
    • Ship UI will now be hidden until you can access your ship
    • More options for auto-hiding elements of the HUD
  • Spell Shaping
    • Available for Wizard, Druid, Priest, and Chanter classes; this passive ability allows spell casters to adjust the radius of certain AoE spells to increase the power level or area that the spell can reach
  • Magran’s Fire Difficulty Additions
    • All Challenges can now be done on any difficulty in the game! Play through with new challenges for a new, interesting game experience
  • New Berath’s Blessings
    • …Can I Pet Him Anyway?
      • The time has come, friends… Edér can now equip a pet
    • Infamous Past
      • Gain the Infamous Captain passive ability and live the life of someone who has survived a mutiny
  • Premade Characters
    • Characters can now be imported to use on various playthroughs through Deadfire. Characters can be chosen in character creation, or by visiting taverns and recruiting them as Adventurers

New Challenges

Berath’s Blessings weren’t the only thing to get some additions in this patch. Two new challenges have been added with the 3.1 update.

  • Hylea – Vela is rather attached to the Watcher and won’t leave your side, the poor thing, so it’s up to you to protect her. If you don’t, the game ends!
  • Rymrgand – Food will start to expire! Foods like hard tack will expire more slowly, but you should still stay vigilant and ensure a supply of fresh food!

A New Mega Boss

A new Mega Boss can now be challenged! This colossal Ooze is prepared to face some of the strongest teams that dare brave it! Can you discover it’s location and take on this fierce enemy?

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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