Alley of Dangerous Angles – Planescape: Torment Location

This guide covers a location in Planescape: Torment, detailing the area with an overview, map, and map legend. The overview acts as a walkthrough, and outlines what players can find and do at each location on the map(s). This particular location’s ID is AR0301.

Planescape Torment alley of dangerous angles map

1 – Darkalley Shiv Toll Area
2 – Blackrose
3 – Krystall
4 – Razor Angel Toll Area
5 – Burnt Building
6 – Rotten William
7 – Ruined Cathedral


  1. Exit to the Hive Northeast.
  2. Exit to the Hive Southwest.


1 – Darkalley Shiv Toll Area

When you pass through this part of the alley, the nearby Darkalley Shivs will demand that you pay a 10-copper toll. If you refuse, then all of the Shivs in the alley (including Rotten William at #6) will turn hostile. There are three factions in the alley, and each one will want you to kill the other two, so it’s safe to kill the (Evil) Darkalley Shivs if you want. You’ll have to pay the toll each time you visit the alley unless you kill the Shivs.

2 – Blackrose

Blackrose is the Neutral faction in the alley. When you meet him, he’ll ask you if you support Good or Evil. Depending on your answer, he’ll ask you to kill Krystall (#3) or Rotten William (#6), or he’ll allow you to pick between the two, or he’ll attack you.

If you work with Blackrose, then you’ll end up having to kill Krystall and Rotten William, but you’ll earn 1500 xp for each one. However, after completing both tasks, Blackrose will challenge you to a duel. He’s much tougher than the other faction leaders, but if you kill him then you’ll earn 420 xp. Alternatively, you can tell him that you’re immortal. This will allow you to skip the fight and earn 1500 xp.

3 – Krystall

Krystal is the leader of the Razor Angels, the Good faction in the alley. She’ll ask you to kill Rotten William (#6) and Blackrose (#2). For completing the first task, you’ll earn 1500 xp, and you’ll no longer have to pay the Razor Angel toll (#4) for using the alley. For completing the second task, you’ll earn 1500 xp and 1000 coppers.

In a container near Krystall, you’ll find a Charm of Infinite Recall. In a tent near Krystall, you’ll find a Gold Ring, which you might need for Rauk (#5).

4 – Razor Angel Toll Area

When you pass through this part of the alley, the nearby Razor Angels will demand that you pay a 10-copper toll. If you refuse, then all of the Angels in the alley (including Krystall at #3) will turn hostile. There are three factions in the alley, and each one will want you to kill the other two, so it’s safe to kill the (Good) Razor Angels if you want. You’ll have to pay the toll each time you visit the alley unless you work with the Angels and kill Rotten William (#6).

5 – Burnt Building

Inside this building, you’ll meet Rauk and five mages-in-training. Rauk will ask you to fetch him three rings: “one ring brown,” another “shiny like mirror,” and the third “pretty and yellow.” That is, he’ll want a Bronze Ring, a Silver Ring, and a Gold Ring. These rings aren’t quest items; you can find them all over the place, including at guaranteed spots in the alley (#3, #6).

When you deliver the rings to Rauk, you’ll earn 500 xp. Rauk will hand the rings over to the mages, who will use them to summon a Lim-Lim. The Lim-Lim will quickly dispatch the mages, but then afterwards it will act like a normal pet, and Rauk will adopt it and name it Green Thing.

When you loot the dead mages, you’ll find a Green Steel Dagger, a Ring of the Traveler, a Scroll of Armor, a Scroll of Fist of Iron, a Scroll of Identify, and more. If you kick the Lim-Lim, then it and Rauk will attack you, and you’ll earn 195 xp for killing them. You’ll also be able to grab back the three rings you gave Rauk.

6 – Rotten William

Rotten William is the leader of the Darkalley Shivs, the Evil faction in the alley. He’ll ask you to kill Krystall (#3) and Blackrose (#2), and you’ll earn 1500 xp after completing each task. But rather than paying you a monetary reward at the end, Rotten William and the rest of the Shivs will attack you. You’ll earn 200 xp for defeating William, and you’ll find 300 coppers on his corpse.

In the locked container near William, you’ll find a Charm of Infinite Recall. In the two tents near William, you’ll find a Bronze Ring and a Silver Ring, which you might need for Rauk (#5).

7 – Ruined Cathedral

Inside this cathedral, you’ll meet Aola, a priest to the long forgotten god Aoskar. He’ll offer to make you Aoskar’s “second disciple.” If you ask him why there aren’t any other disciples, then he’ll reveal that the Lady of Pain keeps making them disappear. If you become a disciple anyway, then when you eventually leave the alley, the Lady will banish you to the Player’s Maze. This sounds like a punishment but it’s actually a good thing, as you can pick up a Brimstone Hammer while you’re there.

Aola is also involved in a pair of quests: Mar’s quest from the Hive Northwest, and Jarym’s quest from Ragpicker’s Square. If you try to speak to Aola but he’s in a deep trance, then just leave and re-enter the cathedral to get him talking again.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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