Curst – Planescape: Torment Location

This guide covers a location in Planescape: Torment, detailing the area with an overview, map, and map legend. The overview acts as a walkthrough, and outlines what players can find and do at each location on the map(s). This particular location’s IDs are AR0700 and AR0701.

Planescape Torment curst map

1 – Traitor’s Gate
2 – Dump
3 – Dwelling
4 – Blacksmithy
5 – Roberta
6 – Grain Silo
7 – Junk Pile
8 – Guard Captain
9 – Malako Brothers Distillery
10 – Wagons / Wernet
11 – Crate
12 – Barracks
13 – Warehouse
14 – Jasilya / Skatch
15 – Curst Administration Building / Siabha
16 – Kiri
17 – Gate to Carceri / An’izius


  1. Exit to the Traitor’s Gate Tavern.
  2. Exit to the Curst Underground.
  3. Gate between Inner Curst and Outer Curst.


Bleak and dusty, Curst’s little more than a collection of shanties perched on the edge of Carceri, where those exiled from elsewhere on the Outlands dream out their bitter lives.

1 – Traitor’s Gate

This is where you’ll start out in the city. If you talk to one of the guards here, then you’ll learn that the city is in lockdown because of a plague.

2 – Dump

Somewhere in the dump, you’ll meet Kyse the Dump Caretaker. He’ll warn you that entering the Curst Underground (via Exit B) is a one-way trip. He’s also involved in Nabat’s quest from the Traitor’s Gate Tavern (Exit A).

3 – Dwelling

Inside this dwelling, you’ll find a Silver-Headed Hammer.

4 – Blacksmithy

Inside this shop, you’ll meet Crumplepunch Malako the Blacksmith. He’ll have some unusual weapons for sale, including Assassin’s Knuckles, Blind Terror, Fiend Femur, and Foolsmiter. He’s also involved in Kitla’s quest from the Traitor’s Gate Tavern (Exit A).

In the back of the shop, you’ll find an Axe of the Jester and Magic Punch Daggers inside a locked container. The only way to acquire the weapons is to steal them, which will turn Crumplepunch hostile. So make sure you’ve completed Kitla’s quest and any shopping you want to do with Crumplepunch before absconding with the weapons.

5 – Roberta

You’ll meet a woman named Roberta here. If you ask her why she’s upset, then she’ll reveal that her husband Carl Parfidor has been spending way more time with harlots than he has with her, and that she’d like him dead. You won’t be able to take on the job yourself — at least directly — but when you talk to Kiri in Inner Curst (#16), you’ll learn that she’s in desperate need of money and wouldn’t be opposed to killing someone.

When you return to Roberta with this news, she’ll offer the two of you 500 coppers each to get the job done. When you relay this information to Kiri, she’ll head off immediately to complete the job. Then when you return to Roberta again, you’ll learn that Carl is dead, and you’ll earn 500 coppers and 2000 xp for brokering the assassination.

Note: After talking to Roberta the first time, you can also tell the guards about her. This will cause Roberta to get arrested, which will break the quest, and you won’t earn any sort of reward.

6 – Grain Silo

This silo is a safe place where you can rest for free. However, if you climb the ladder in the silo, then you’ll discover a pentagram “of great evil.” You’ll learn what the pentagram is for during Dona Quisho’s quest from the Traitor’s Gate Tavern (Exit A).

7 – Junk Pile

Next to the junk pile here, you’ll witness two Curst Guards “questioning” a civilian. You won’t be able to do anything to intervene. Inside the junk pile, you’ll find a Displacer Ring and a Whispering Flask.

8 – Guard Captain

This guard is involved in Dallan’s quest from the Traitor’s Gate Tavern (Exit A).

9 – Malako Brothers Distillery

Inside this shop, you’ll meet Kester. He’ll sell you a variety of charms and spell scrolls. He’s also involved in Kitla’s quest from the Traitor’s Gate Tavern (Exit A).

10 – Wagons / Wernet

Inside the wagons here, you’ll find five Bandages, two Charms of Infinite Recall, and a Heart Charm. During Nabat’s quest from the Traitor’s Gate Tavern (Exit A), you’ll also encounter the thug Wernet here.

11 – Crate

Inside the crate here, you’ll find Scent of the Storm.

12 – Barracks

You won’t be able to do anything here, other than talk to a bunch of Curst Guards.

13 – Warehouse

Inside this warehouse, you’ll meet a merchant named Devore who won’t sell you anything. But if you loot all of the (locked) containers inside and outside the warehouse, then you’ll find a bunch of jewelry, including a Dustman Embalming Charm (Greater), a Ring of the Traveler, and a Serpent Ring.

14 – Jasilya / Skatch

In the back of the alley here, you’ll discover a few guards trying to “recruit” Tainted Barse’s daughter Jasilya. If you talk to the guard named Skatch, then he’ll decide that you’re a better candidate than she is, and he and his fellows will attack you. You’ll earn 15,800 xp for defeating them. You’ll need to rescue Jasilya (or at least make the attempt) for Marquez in the Traitor’s Gate Tavern (Exit A).

15 – Curst Administration Building / Siabha

In front of this building, you’ll meet a woman named Siabha. She’s involved in Dallan’s quest from the Traitor’s Gate Tavern (Exit A). You won’t be able to enter the building until later.

16 – Kiri

Kiri is involved in Roberta’s quest (#5).

17 – Gate to Carceri / An’izius

Next to the gate here, you’ll meet a man named An’izius. He’s involved in Dallan’s quest from the Traitor’s Gate Tavern (Exit A). You won’t be able to go through the gate until later.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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