Temple of Eothas – Pillars of Eternity Location

This guide covers a location of Pillars of Eternity in Act 1. The guide has an overview of the area, and a map with a legend.


1 – Wirtan
2 – Vision
3 – Secret Door
4 – Debris
5 – Reading Room
6 – Crates
7 – Box
8 – Secret Door
9 – Vision
10 – Trapped Crate
11 – Bells
12 – Locked Door
13 – Lectern
14 – Storage Room
15 – Burial Room
16 – Valve
17 – Flooded Bath Room
18 – Sleeping Quarters
19 – Locked Door
20 – Statue
21 – Vault
22 – Candles


  1. Stairs up to Gilded Vale.
  2. Main stairs between Level 1 and Level 2.
  3. Back stairs between Level 1 and Level 2.


1 – Wirtan

Wirtan will give you the quest Buried Secrets.

2 – Vision

You’ll have a vision of the temple’s rectrix here. Also at this spot, you can detect a loose brick hiding some random loot.

3 – Secret Door

This secret door will open automatically when you circle around and approach it from the northern side.

4 – Debris

In the debris here, you’ll find a Fine Sword.

5 – Reading Room

On the floor of this room you can detect a hollow book containing an Engraved Silver Key, the Rectrix’s Letter, and a Scroll of Fan of Flames. The key will allow you to unlock the door leading to Level 2 (#12).

6 – Crates

In the crates in this room you’ll find Camping Supplies and an Initiate’s Note.

7 – Box

In the box on the table here you’ll find A Letter Home.

8 – Secret Door

To open this secret door, you’ll need to detect and pull the wall sconce next to it (on the southern side).

9 – Vision

After defeating the skuldrs in this chamber, you’ll have a vision about the ringing of the bells (#11).

10 – Trapped Crate

Inside this crate you’ll find a random magical item.

11 – Bells

You can use these bells to open up the door right next to them — provided you can figure out the right sequence. You’ll get two clues for this. The Initiate’s Note (#6) will tell you that the middle bell is rung second. A vision (#9) will tell you that the right bell is rung first and last. The correct sequence is right, middle, left, right.

12 – Locked Door

There are three ways to open this door: you can pick the lock if you have Mechanics 10, you can use the Engraved Silver Key if you can detect it (#5), or you can figure out the right way to ring the nearby bells (#11).

13 – Lectern

You can detect a hidden compartment behind the lectern here. Inside it you’ll find several gems.

14 – Storage Room

Inside this room you’ll find a Fine Estoc and more.

15 – Burial Room

Inside the two sarcophagi here, you’ll find a Cloak of an Eothasian Priest and more. When you loot the cloak, a phantom will materialize and attack you.

16 – Valve

17 – Flooded Bath Room

To drain the flooding in this room, you’ll need to turn the nearby valve (#16). Inside the room you’ll find a discarded robe containing a Gleaming Silver Key. You’ll probably need the key for the locked door to the east (#19).

18 – Sleeping Quarters

In this room you’ll find A Crumpled Note, Lockpicks, and more.

19 – Locked Door

To open this door, you’ll either need Mechanics 5 so you can pick the lock, or you’ll need to use the Gleaming Silver Key (#17).

20 – Statue

On this statue you’ll find The Pilgrim’s Lasting Vigil.

21 – Vault

To enter the vault, you’ll just need to pull the lever in the hallway leading to it. Inside, you’ll find some chests that you can loot for Gaun’s Share, a Prybar, and more. You’ll also discover a dead priest whose soul you can read. You’ll need to do this for the quest Buried Secrets. Finally, with enough Mechanics, you’ll be able to detect a hidden crate containing some miscellaneous items.

22 – Candles

If you have Eder with you, then he’ll tell you what the candles are for (a coming-of-age ritual). Nothing will happen if you snuff out one of them.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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