Cleric Spells (Level Two) – Pool of Radiance

These are the level two spells available to Clerics in Pool of Radiance.

Find Traps

This must be cast in camp. It makes any traps in the direction the character is facing visible to the character. The spell lasts for 3 turns.

Hold Person

This combat-only spell holds immobile from 1-3 (cleric’s choice) creatures of roughly human shape and size. The duration is 4 rounds plus 1 round per level. This is the best second level spell a Cleric can get. It has a pretty good chance of working, even against high level enemies.

Resist Fire

This is identical to “resist cold,” but it works against heat and heat attacks.

Silence 15′ Radius

This is a combat spell. It silences any spellcasting of discussion in the radius. If cast on a person, the radius follows him around for the duration of the spell unless he makes a saving throw. If cast on an area, the spell affects everything in that area for the duration of 2 rounds per level of the caster.

Slow Poison

This spell can be used in camp or combat. It revives a poisoned person for 1 hour per level of the caster. The target of the spell then dies unless a “neutralize poison” spell (a high level spell only used by NPCs) is cast on him.

Snake Charm

This spell can be cast in combat only. It influences as many hit points of snakes as the cleric has hit points. The snakes cease all activity for 5-8 rounds.

Spiritual Hammer

This is a combat spell which creates a temporary magic item, automatically readied. It can strike at range and does normal hammer damage. It strikes monsters that only magical weapons can affect. This lasts for 1 round per level of the caster.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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