Companions – Pool of Radiance

A handful of NPC adventurers will join your party during Pool of Radiance, and we bring you details on all of them.


Dirten is located in Bishop Braccio’s chambers in the Civilized District (#19). You’ll have to help Dirten purify the Temple of Bane.

co dirten


Genheeris is located in the upper level of the castle (#4). He’ll stay with you for the rest of the game.

co genheeris

Mad Man

“Mad Man”, or so he’s called, is located in Mendor’s Library (#9). Your goal could be to cure him, but we’ve never found a way to do it.

co mad man

Princess Fatima

Princess Fatima is located in the Kobold Cave (#4). She’ll only stay with you while you’re in the cave.

co princess fatima


Skullcrusher is locked in a cell in the Textile House (#9). You’ll just need to escort Skullcrusher to the Council Building in the Civilized District.

co skullcrusher
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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