Mage Spells (Level One) – Pool of Radiance

These are the level one spells available to Mages in Pool of Radiance.

Burning Hands

This touch-range combat spell causes fire damage of 1 point per level of the caster. There is no saving throw.

Charm Person

This spell makes a humanoid creature the caster’s friend and ally. Any action of the caster will be seen in the most favorable light possible. The target gets a saving throw when the spell is cast and again days or weeks later, depending on its intelligence. You can never be sure the effect is permanent. For the moment, the charmed creature can become an NPC (if there is room in the party roster) under the command of the caster.

Detect Magic

This spell is the same as the clerical spell. Its duration is 2 rounds per caster level.


This spell can be used in camp or in combat and lasts for 1 turn per level of the caster. The living target increases in size by 20% per level of the caster. It makes the humanoid target into an ogre or giant in size and strength for combat purposes. A target can only be under the effect of one “enlarge” spell at a time. Unwilling targets get a saving throw against this spell.


This is the opposite of “enlarge” and can be used to negate “enlarge.” Unwilling targets get a saving throw against its effect. If the saving throw is unsuccessful, the target is reduced in size and loses effective strength and movement.


This combat only spell affects everyone in a sphere that increases with the level of the magic user. Everyone within that sphere failing a saving throw thinks the caster has 2-8 more points of charisma. Those who make their saving throw think he has 1-4 less points of charisma. The effect lasts 1 round per level of the caster.

Magic Missile

This is a combat spell that does 2-5 points of damage to the target, with no saving throw. For every 2 levels, the caster gains 1 missile, so magic users of 3rd and 4th levels get 2 missiles, and those of 5th and 6th levels get 3 missiles. All missiles must be fired at once.

Protection from Evil

Like the clerical spell of the same name, but it lasts for 2 rounds per level of the caster.

Protection from Good

Like the clerical spell of the same name, but it lasts for 2 rounds per level of the caster.

Read Magic

This is only used in camp and allows the caster to read any magical (not clerical) writing. It lasts for 2 rounds per level of the caster. Once you use this spell to read a scroll, you can cast the spells of the scroll.


This spell is a combat spell that improves the target’s armor class and saving throw, and negates the effect of the “magic missile” spell. This spell lasts for 5 rounds per level of the caster.

Shocking Grasp

This combat spell does 1-8, +1 point per level of the caster, electrical damage to a target the caster touches.


This spell puts up to 16 targets to sleep for 5 rounds per level of the caster. The least powerful targets are affected first, and the bigger the monster, the fewer of them are affected. Monsters above a certain power are not affected at all. There is no saving throw. This is the best spell for the level 1 magic user, since magic users get so few spells and “sleep” affects so many targets. Later, once enemies stop being affected by the spell, you should choose something like “shield” or “magic missile” instead.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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