Mage Spells (Level Two) – Pool of Radiance

These are the level two spells available to Mages in Pool of Radiance.

Detect Invisibility

This can be used in camp or combat and lasts for 5 rounds per level of the caster. This has a range of 20′ per level of the caster.


This makes the target (touch range) invisible to normal vision and infravision until he ends the effect or attacks someone.


This spell is used to open locked doors or chests. It can be used in camp or while moving. Every door in the game can be bashed, though, so magic users shouldn’t bother memorizing this spell.

Mirror Image

This combat spell creates 1-4 illusory duplicates of the caster. If a duplicate is attacked, it disappears. The spell lasts 2 rounds per level of the caster.

Ray of Enfeeblement

This combat spell has a saving throw. If the target does not make the saving throw, he is weakened (he does less damage for 1 round per level of the caster).

Stinking Cloud

This affects a 2×2 area. Anyone in the cloud gets a saving throw. If unsuccessful, he is helpless for 2-5 turns. He can move out of the cloud, but he is still helpless. If he makes the saving throw, he is helpless only as long as he is in the cloud and for 1 round afterwards. The cloud lasts 1 round per level of the caster. Stinking Cloud is a great spell for two reasons: 1) Enemies usually won’t move into the cloud, meaning you can use it protect the weak members of your party, and 2) helpless enemies can be killed in one hit. This is the only level 2 spell we’d recommend you memorize.


This spell is only used in camp. It raises the strength of the target by a variable amount depending on the class of the target. The duration is 6 turns per level of the caster.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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