Sokal Keep – Pool of Radiance

This guide will help you navigate New Phlan’s Sokal Keep in Pool of Radiance.

Sokal Keep Map

pr sokal keepmap

1 – Skeletal Remains

On the remains you’ll find a parchment with some elvish runes on it. If you translate the runes (using the code wheel) you’ll discover three words: “lux,” “samosud,” and “shestni.”

2 – Insects

You’ll face a couple huge scorpions here.

3 – Frogs

You’ll face a few poisonous frogs here.

4 – Hammer

If you “look” here, you’ll find a hammer +1.

5 – Armor and Weapon Stands

Here you’ll find a shield +1, a long sword +1, chain mail +1, and a mace +2.

6 – Ghosts

Somewhere in this room you’ll run into the ghosts of the original defenders of the keep. If you attempt to fight them, they’ll flee (and come back later). If you parlay with them and say the word “lux,” they’ll direct you to a diary (journal entry 3) and 5 gems.

7 – Major Battle

Here you’ll fight a whole mess of orcs and hobgoblins. Try to put a space between your frontline fighters so that it’s less likely the enemies will circle around and get to your spellcasters. Once the enemies are dead, you’ll find some money, and you’ll also discover a note (journal entry 57).

8 – Ferran Martinez

You’ll meet the ghost of Ferran Martinez here. Unlike the ghosts at #6, if you choose to fight him then a battle will begin, but it’s probably better to talk to him. Then if you use the word “lux” and tell the truth, Martinez will tell you how the keep fell “to unblessed creatures imbued with the might of a magical pool.”

Note: If you haven’t yet found the stash at #5, it’s possible that Martinez will tell you about it.


A. Boat back to the Civilized District.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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