Stojanow Gate – Pool of Radiance

This guide will help you navigate New Phlan’s Stojanow Gate in Pool of Radiance.

Stojanow Gate Map

pr stojanow gatemap

Area Note

To capture the gate, you’ll have to defeat the bugbear patrol (#2) plus the guards from both guard towers (either separately at #5 and #6, or all together at #4). There isn’t anything else to do in the area.

1 – Supply Cart

If you talk to him, the cart driver will offer to sell you his cart for 250 gold pieces. If you accept his offer, then you’ll have a disguise, and you’ll have an easier time taking the gates (#3 and #4). When you run into the bugbear patrol, they’ll take 15 gold pieces from you, but then they’ll let you go inside. From there you can fight the tower guardians in two fights rather than one big one, and then you can fight the bugbears to capture the gate.

If you don’t buy the cart, or if you kill the cart driver, then you’ll just have to fight your way through.

2 – Bugbear Patrol

If you’ve purchased the supply cart (#1) then the bugbears will allow you to enter the gate for the low, low cost of 15 gold pieces. Otherwise, you’ll have to fight them.

3 – Outer Gate

As you approach the gate, you’ll be attacked by volleys of arrows and rocks. Both gates can be bashed, you but you might need to try a couple times, even with a strength of 18/00.

4 – Inner Gate

As you approach the gate, you’ll be attacked by volleys of rocks. Both gates can be bashed, you but you might need to try a couple times, even with a strength of 18/00.

If you didn’t buy the cart (#1), then once you’ve bashed through this gate, you’ll have to fight the guards from both guard towers (#5 and #6). That is, you’ll have to fight two aides, two level six magic users, and six ettins. Since this is the final battle of the area, throw every spell you can at the group (once again the “fireball” spell should be your friend). Once everything is dead, you’ll gain two rings of protection +2, and allies will come in to take over the gates.

5 – West Guard Tower

Inside this tower you’ll find a level six magic user, an aide, and three ettins. When you kill them you should find a ring of protection +2.

6 – East Guard Tower

See #5.


A. Gate to Podal Plaza.
B. Gate to the southwestern quadrant of Valjevo Castle.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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