Pool of Radiance

Joel Billings Video Interview, Part One

Our friend Matt Barton managed to track down Strategic Simulations, Inc. founder Joel Billings for a lengthy video interview, the first 28 minutes of which are now available as part of Matt Chat episode 181. While a significant portion of…

Ten Classic Computer RPGs From the 1980s

The editors over at PCMag.com have cranked out a set of ten brief profiles for some of the classic role-playing games from the 1980s, including Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, Dungeon Master, Ultima III: Exodus, Tales of the…

Armchair Arcade’s Top Ten CRPGs

We haven’t covered a “top ten” list of role-playing games for quite some time now, so I thought I’d send you over to this list on Armchair Arcade where CRPG enthusiast Matt Barton actually has decades of experience to back…

Picking Favorites

Lists are one of those things we’ll never run out of anytime soon, and Matt Barton, of Matt Chat fame, has put online his Top Ten CRPGs which includes classics like Might & Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven, Planescape:…

RPG Pillars: 20 Games That Defined Role-Playing Games

Veteran RPG enthusiasts will no doubt remember playing through a majority of the video games listed in GamePro’s “RPG Pillars: 20 Games That Defined Role-Playing Games” feature, which includes such influential classics as Pool of Radiance, Dungeon Master, Wizardry: Proving…

Turn-based vs. Real-time Combat

Video games blogger and CRPG enthusiast CRPG Addict wrote a lengthy blog post on the differences between turn-based combat systems and real-time ones and the respective advantages. It’s an interesting reading, especially for those of us that feel neglected by…

Forgotten Ruins: The Roots of CRPGs – SSI

Bitmob is taking a stab at spotlighting the 30-year history of computer role-playing games in a new series of retrospectives they’ve labeled “Forgotten Ruins”, with the very first installment covering the vast catalogue of excellent RPGs that was developed and…

How CRPGs Warped My Brain, Part Three

Tales of the Rampant Coyote’s Jay Barnson continues to summarize the design lessons that he took away from several classic CRPGs, including The Bard’s Tale, Pool of Radiance, Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon, Ultima Underworld: The…