
Baldurs Gate Siege of Dragonspear

Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear Review

A proper expansion for Baldur's Gate from the team behind the game's Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear can't really compete with the game that spawned it, but it's more than good enough for anyone looking for a fresh Infinity Engine adventure.

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Maize Review – A Game About Sentient Corn

Maize is an adventure game where you help sentient corn. And their queen. With the help of a teddy bear. If you like quirkiness, and don't need your puzzles to be especially difficult, then Maize is the right game for you.

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Mass Effect Series Review

Mass Effect's strong characters are a highlight of the series, despite all of our favorites being absent for much of the third game. Gameplay is serviceable, but never moves beyond basic over-the-shoulder cover shooting. A solid entry in the RPG genre, but not one that particularly impressed when taken as a whole.

Final Fantasy XV Review – Reclaim Your Throne

Final Fantasy XV tasks you with taking back your throne -- and killing lots of demons and monsters along the way. The graphics, sound, and gameplay elements are all top notch, making Final Fantasy XV a game not to miss.

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YouTubers Life Early Access Review

Create Youtube videos and become rich, just like in real life. Youtubers Life is unique and can be fun to play, but it's also simple and doesn't have a lot of replay value.

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Cyber Chicken 2.5D Platformer Review

What's more fun than punching and shooting things with a military-grade cyber chicken? Not much. Cyber Chicken is an entertaining game, but it doesn't offer a lot of lasting value.

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Comix Zone Retro Review

Comix Zone is a fighting game similar to Street Fighter. Although it was released by Sega is 1996 and has simple arcade controls, it's still fun to play today.


Tyranny Review

Far from the robust and expansive RPG we've come to expect from Obsidian, Tyranny is certainly unique enough to warrant a playthrough, especially if you'd like to know what it would be like to work as an underling for an evil overlord.


Doom Console Review

Doom is a game about shooting and chopping up demons, over and over again, but it's fun and engrossing, and there's just enough variety to keep things interesting.