
Darkest Dungeon Guest Review

Darkest Dungeon knows just what it wants to be: an oppressive, difficult, but ultimately fantastic rendition of what dungeon delving would really do to a person. Psychological and tactical at the same time, Darkest Dungeon is a true gem.

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Disney’s Aladdin – Sega Genesis Retro Review

Maybe Disney's Alladin for the Genesis doesn't quite hold up to the childhood memories of it, but it's also still pretty slick, very good to look at for the time, and overall enjoyable. Worth playing for those nostalgic for A Whole Old World.

Overwatch: Halloween Terror Review

Overwatch's Halloween Terror is the right kind of online event/update. The fantastic new game mode and theming really gets us in the spooky spirit, and the new skins are some of the best in the game. Truly, a spectral sight to behold!

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Day of the Tentacle Retro Review

Day of the Tentacle: Remastered is a blast from the past, but one which doesn't quite hold up perfectly. It is still a zany, enjoyable story, but the dated graphics and gameplay does hold it back, even despite the remaster.

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Paladins – Open Beta Review

Paladins is a fantastic FPS hero shooter. Tense, competitive, fantastic to play, and fun to explore, there is little reason not to give this free-to-play title a look when it launches.

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Destiny: Rise of Iron Review

An overall great expansion, Destiny: Rise of Iron is all good except for the grind. And, given that it is an expansion of Destiny, that shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Aside from that, Rise of Iron is Destiny at its best.

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BioShock: The Collection – An Overall Comparison

Bioshock: The Collection gives gamers a chance to replay some of the greatest games of all time, remastered, and all in one package. If you haven't played the BioShock series before, now is your chance.

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Warlock of Firetop Mountain Review

A fantastic adaptation of an old, tabletop classic, The Warlock fo Firetop Mountain is a great game digitally, as well. The game plays fast, looks beautiful, and is so replayable it borders on addictive.

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Fallout 4 DLC Review

Totaling six pieces of downloadable content in Automatron, Wasteland Workshop, Far Harbor, Contraptions Workshop, Vault-Tec Workshop, and Nuka-World, Fallout 4's post-release offerings are fun in their own right, but far from essential for anyone other than those enamored by the game's Settlement management systems.

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Line of Sight – Early Access BETA Review

Not unplayable by any means, Line of Sight still leaves something to be desired. Slightly faulty production values and samey gameplay certainly don't help this game stand out amongst many other military shooters, and so one hopes it will improve before it leaves Beta.