Gameplay Tips – Risen

Here you’ll find some general tips that will make your journey through Risen a pleasant and enjoyable one.

Smithing system

Risen has its own blacksmithing and goldsmithing system fused into one skill – smithing. Basically, you’ll need the prospect skill in order to scrape the metal the deposits found on the rocks and inside the caves (by using a pickaxe, obviously).

After collecting the metal and gems from the deposits, you can bring them to any blacksmith in order to have your iron ore converted into sword blanks. The higher the smithing skill the more complex and better swords you can make.

The same goes for goldsmithing, except that it uses gems in addition to gold ores. You’ll be able to create various jewelry using the correct tools which can be bought at any blacksmith’s store. Maximum smithing level is 3.

Alchemy system

Much like in the Gothic series, alchemy system requires of you to have a correct recipe, an empty vial (and a bottle of wine) and correct ingredients. The pinnacle of alchemy is to create potions which permanently increase your stats. All you’d need is the skill and an alchemy bench. The higher the skill, the better the potions are that you can create. Maximum alchemy level is 3.

Common herbs are found all over the island, with the rare ones being well hidden and better protected.

Cooking system

Besides the alchemy and smithing, Risen also features cooking. That skill doesn’t require any training, except for raw materials and a correct recipe. The recipes can be divided into two groups: the ones for a frying pan (which means you’ll need a stove or a campfire) and the ones that require literal cooking (for which you’ll need a cauldron).


Essentially, there are three ways you can develop your character towards. You can be a fighter, a ranger or a spell-caster (mage). Either way you choose, it’s advised that you use a shield as it provides valuable resistances. The melee combat system is further developed every time you progress into the particular skill (either sword-fighting, axe-fighting or staff-fighting).

For example, on level 1 of those skills, you’ll only be able to do a 3-hit combo. After getting level 2, you’ll be able to riposte (counter-attack). Each further level adds another type of hit, or enhances the current ones, with level 10 being the maximum.

Ranged combat allows you to aim as you wish using the mouse once you zoom in with the right-click. Spell-casting also works the similar way. You’ll get a cross-hair to help you get accurate hits on your target.

It is worth noting that you should carry a ranged weapon at all times. Sometimes you’ll need to hit a distant switch, winch or a lever that cannot be done with telekinesis (because the area might have an anti-magic shield).

Thieving skills

Most of the locked chests and doors can be opened with your lockpicking skills. With a difficulty between 1 and 3. Level 1 locks have four clicks, level 2 six and level 3 eight clicks. You can only attempt to picklock the locks that are equal or lesser to your skill level. Also note that the amount of “lefts” and “rights” is always equal in any given combination.

There will also be some chests and doors which you won’t be able to lock pick. These are quest-related and you’ll obtain a key sooner or later.

Pickpocketing is fairly useless, because the rewards it brings are very low. It may be useful in a few quests, but even then, there are alternative ways, so you may avoid this skill.

Sneaking is ineffective in combat, but it will make a difference when robbing houses. Coupled with lockpicking, it’s a decent moneymaker in early game.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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