Prologue Quests – Risen

This guide will help you navigate the Risen prologue and its quests.

Prologue Map

risen prologue quests map
  1. Starting location, Sara
  2. Hunting knife
  3. Small shield
  4. Cave entrances
  5. Pathway with torches
  6. Abandoned house

Prologue Quests


The prologue quests are the ones that occur before the first chapter starts. They are linked one after the other, and represent a linear quest chain:

  • Find Survivors of the Shipwreck
  • Take Sara to Safety
  • Investigate the Abandoned House
  • Find the Key in the Abandoned House
  • Loot the Chest in the Abandoned House
  • Take Some Fried Meat to Sara

Find Survivors of the Shipwreck

After a violent thunderstorm, you’re stranded on a beach (#1) on an unknown island. Having recovered your consciousness, you’ll notice a lot of bodies laying around. All of your crew mates are dead, apart from Sara. Before trying to wake her up though, explore the nearby area for weapons and other useful items (there’s a healing potion right next to the place where you wake up).

A good weapon at this early point of the game is hunting knife, found on the corpse at #2. To navigate yourself around, estimate your position relative to the starting position because in game maps are items bought from shops and sometimes received from other NPCs. Another nice item is a small shield (#3) in a grove nearby. Also be sure to open all the muzzles you find for pearls. They are used as crafting material and valuables to sell.

Killing your first opponent grants you Beginner achievement. There are a lot of easy preys in the nearby area, consisting of hungry wolves, young stringrats and hungry sea vultures. Carrying just weapons allows you to block attacks from sea vultures and string rats. To block wolves’ attacks you’ll need a shield as well. Beware though that vulture can also perform a jumping attack on you, for which you’ll need a shield. Killing these opponents early on is simple. If you time your attacks properly, you’ll perform combos. The last attack in the combo (third attack in a sequence a t this level of training) deals double damage. Even on hard difficulty, all the enemies at this point will die in a single three-attack combo.

For those seeking to get as many achievements as possible, this is also a convenient spot for getting Fervent Swimmer achievement. To acquire it, simply go into deep ocean water 10 times. A large tideworm will come and swallow you, but you’ll be back on the shore again (with all the items you previously had).

Another interesting place around here is the cave entrance (#4) though it isn’t recommended if you’re still not very familiar with the combat system. There’s a group of three gnomes guarding a chest which contains some minor items. Remember, it’s an open world game and you can return to it later, when you get stronger and more experienced.

Once you think you’re ready, talk to Sara about recent events and you’ll get 25 experience points and the quest is then completed. She suggested going further inland, which starts the quest Take Sara to Safety.

Take Sara to Safety

If you cleared the area before talking to Sara, then take her to the torches which light up a path at #5. She’ll comment that torches could represent traces of a civilization and therefore suggests that you follow the trail.

You should come across a wolf and a cave entrance (#4, it leads to the same cave as the other marked entrance)to the left. Simply continue on the path for now. There’s another young stingrat ahead and an abandoned house (#6) should show up in the distance. As you approach the building, Sara will tell you to investigate it, as it gives her an eerie feeling. This ends the quest with 25 experience points and opens up a new one.

Investigate the Abandoned House

This quest is done pretty straightforward, just by entering the house and noticing that there’s no one inside. You might wish to check exterior though, which contains herbs and minor loot, and extra enemies to increase your experience points and boost your level.

If you decide to try yourself out in the cave at #4, you’ll come across two groups of gnomes: in packs of two and three. Try to isolate them around the corners and nooks and carefully dispatch them. There are a few chests and a purse to be found inside, totalling around 60 gold pieces.

Once ready, head into the house and you’ll receive 25 experience. You can talk to Sara about it to conclude the quest and you’ll get a new one called Find the Key in the Abandoned House.

Find the Key in the Abandoned House

Sara told you that the key could be somewhere nearby. It’s located next to the bed in the second room. Looting it nets another 25 experience. You can now talk to Sara again or loot the chest. Either way, the quest is completed and a new one starts, Loot the Chest in the abandoned house.

Loot the Chest in the Abandoned House

The chest inside contains a few items, most notably a potion and a frying pan. Looting the chest gives another 25 experience. Talk to Sara again and she’ll say that both of you could use some meat. This starts the quest Take Some Fried Meat to Sara.

Take Some Fried Meat to Sara

To cook the meat, you’ll have to use the frying pan in conjunction with the campfire and raw meat. Simply approach the fire and click on it. There might be several meals to choose from, but you need only the fried meat for now. Bring the meat to Sara afterwards and she’ll say that it isn’t so bad after all. Another 25 experience are yours and the quest is complete.

Once you suggest going further inland, Sara will stay and rest for a bit and direct you to the path up north. This initiates Chapter I and marks the end of the prologue phase.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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