Ch1 Bandit Camp Additional Quests (D) – Risen

This guide will help you complete the quests in and around the Bandit Camp in Risen’s Chapter 1 that are directly related to the bandit faction. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 1 Bandit Camp Additional Quests Map

risen bandit camp additional quests map
  1. Don Esteban, Fincher, Cormac
  2. Craig, Lorenzo
  3. Domingo
  4. Phil
  5. Ricardo
  6. Order artifact camp
  7. Hawkins
  8. Enrico
  9. Branon
  10. Dwight
  11. Temple in the east
  12. Olf, Dytar, Dirk
  13. Volcano Keep

Chapter 1 Bandit Camp Additional Quests


These quests are the ones you get either when having chosen bandits or directly having negative repercussions on the forces of the Order. Note that the quests that aren’t marked by “(D)” (bandit-exclusive) can only be completed by the other side if you didn’t already side with the Order in the harbour town.

You should also know that Fincher is the only person in the game that can raise your swords skill to 10 (other trainers can raise it only to 8). So in order to get 10 in swords as a member of the Order, you’ll need not to side with the Order until you learn that. Earn that extra experience by roaming around the island and killing as many animals and creatures as your fighting skills permit.

  • Situation Report for the Don (D)
  • Conquest of the Artifact Camp
  • Tell the Don about the Success in the Artifact Camp
  • Salvage Work
  • Tell Fincher about the Strange Temple Entrance in the East
  • Treasure Hunter Wanted
  • A Job for the Triplets
  • Talk to Master Illumar (D)
  • Negotiating with the Volcano Keep (D)

Situation Report for the Don

This quest will be given by the Don Esteban himself (#1). He wants to know what’s the situation in the city and how are his boys holding up.

To successfully complete the quest, you’ll eventually need to follow the bandit path and talk to Scordo in the city (check this page on how to do that). You’ll receive 300 experience once you talk to Scordo and then just report back to Esteban again.

Conquest of the Artifact Camp

This quest is started by Fincher (#1). He’ll want to attack a nearby Inquisition camp to capture the artifacts that they are digging. The attack can be led either by you or him. There are other people who can assist you though, so talk to Craig (#2), Lorenzo (#2), Domingo (#3), Phil (#4) and Ricardo (#5). They’ll join your raiding party.

Your target will be the camp situated at #6. Once you arrive at the scene, start killing all of the warriors and novices. You should have no problem doing that with all the help. Once you’re done go back to Fincher and report your success. You should receive 500 experience.

Tell the Don about the Success in the Artifact Camp

There’s another person interested in your success against the Order. Tell the Don (#1) that the camp has been retaken and that his men can start with the excavation again. He’ll be happily surprised and you’ll get additional experience and gold.

Salvage Work

To start moving the crates, you’ll need to hire the workers in the camp. Fincher (#1) will tell you to talk to the four workers in the camp and get them going to work. These are Hawkins (#7), Enrico (#8), Branon (#9) and Dwight (#10). They’ll require a bit of persuasion, but nothing too serious. Report back to Fincher and you’ll receive 200 experience, completing the quest.

Tell Fincher about the Strange Temple Entrance in the East

Next quest with Fincher (#1) involves checking out the uncovered temple entrance in the east. He’ll give you a full island map and tell you to locate the temple.

The temple is to the far east (#11) and contains a lot of animals on the way, so be well prepared. Once you see an obscured road into the wilderness, follow it and you’ll reach the sealed temple. Get back to Fincher and earn 100 experience.

Treasure Hunter Wanted

The next quest involves finding a suitable person to get into the temple. Fincher (#1) will send you on a trip to the city to find the appropriate treasure hunters.

The ones you’re looking for are triplets Olf, Dytar and Dirk. If you’ve freed them, they should be at #12 on the beach. If not, then check A Gathering of Triplets. Tell them about a possible job opportunity and Olf will agree to it.

A Job for the Triplets

After freeing the triplets, talk to Olf at #12 again to send them over to the eastern temple (this can only be done if you’ve completed the quests with Fincher before). If you’ve already chosen the Order and didn’t do the quests above, then they will be there anyway as they will play an important role in the next chapter.

Talk to Master Illumar

If you decide to join the bandits, talk to Cormac (#1). He’s the mage mixing potions and stuff in the camp. He’ll give you a quest to talk to Master Illumar in the monastery.

If you’re a bandit, you’ll eventually complete this quest while on your diplomatic mission to the monastery (#13). You’ll get 50 experience.

If you’re a member of the Order, you’ll be stuck with this quest forever, so you might as well not speak to Cormac at all if you like to keep your quest log clean.

Negotiating with the Volcano Keep

Once you’re ready to advance the main story, talk to the Don (#1) who will give you a diplomatic letter to be able to see Inquisitor Mendoza. Head to the monastery (#13) and follow the path inside it until you reach Mendoza himself. His guards will stop you at first, but once you show them the letter, they’ll back off and you can continue to speak with him.

There you’ll discuss the findings of both parties as well as what shall be done next. After your long conversation, the second chapter starts for the bandit side.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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