Ch1 Harbor City Delgado (D) & Sebastian (I) – Risen

This guide will help you complete a series of main faction quests revolving around Delgado and Sebastian which you can find inside Harbor City during Risen’s Chapter 1. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 1 Harbor City Delgado (D) & Sebastian (I) Quests Map

risen harbor city delgado sebastian quests map
  1. Delgado
  2. Sebastian
  3. Costa
  4. Josh
  5. Carlos

Chapter 1 Harbor City Delgado (D) & Sebastian (I) Quests


This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to Delgado, the Don’s man, and Sebastian, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D) can be completed only if you choose the Don’s man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit’s path here rewards you with 430 experience and 250 gold, while going with the Order gives you 830 experience and 250 gold.

  • Protection Money from Costa (D)
  • Protection Money from Josh (D)
  • Sebastian Wants to Know What Delgado Is Planning
  • Pretending to Work for Delgado (I)
  • Get Rid of Delgado (I)

Protection Money from Costa

As you approach Delgado (#1), he’ll tell you that you broke the law by entering the city and therefore should be more careful to whom you tell stuff like that. You’ll learn about the situation in the town and the struggling position of the Don’s men within it. They are being chased away by Inquisiton constantly, disabling them to do business. As a result, Delgado offers you a job, to pick up protection money from Costa, the merchant nearby (#3).

As you make your steps towards Costa, you’ll get stopped by Sebastian (#2), the Warrior of the Order. He’ll make a proposal and if you listen to what he has to say, you’ll get the quest Sebastian Wants to Know What Delgado Is Planning. Then continue to Costa, but before threatening him, talk to Fuller first. Challenge him to a combat practice and then beat him down. This way you won’t have to deal with him once you start a fight with Costa.

Go back to Delgado and tell him the good news. Give him Costa’s pouch and you’ll receive 100 experience and 150 gold coins, as well as opening the next quest, Protection Money from Josh. You’ll also cancel the quest Pretending to Work for Delgado.

Protection Money from Josh

This quest is a follow-up from the previous one, Protection Money from Costa. Ask Delgado for some more work (#1) and he’ll mention that you could visit Josh (#4) to collect some more money.

Josh, on the other hand, wants to buy you with free beer and some tips on where to rob stuff. Since this is practically worthless as you can rob the whole city with sneaking and lockpicking skill, you’re better off with taking his 100 gold coins. You’ll also get 100 experience and the quest is over. If you really wish to hear Josh’s tale, he’ll tell you about Jack’s chest, which you can of course do without hearing about it from Josh at all.

Sebastian Wants to Know What Delgado Is Planning

This short quest is received from Sebastian (#2) right after Protection Money from Costa. Speak to Sebastian and tell him about Delgado’s plan to extort the money from Costa by using you. This nets you 100 experience itself and finishes the quest and doesn’t affect the choice.

Pretending to Work for Delgado

You’ll obtain this quest from Sebastian (#2) once you finish the previous one, Sebastian Wants to Know What Delgado Is Planning. Proceed to take the money from Costa (#3), but make sure to disable his bodyguard Fuller first, by challenging him to a practice fight. That way, Fuller will say that you’re a better fighter and won’t interrupt your fight with Costa.

On the other hand, Costa is a weaker fighter than Fuller, so he shouldn’t be hard to beat. Deprive him of all his items once he hits the floor and take them to Sebastian instead. You’ll receive 150 experience for your efforts and cancel the quest Protection Money from Costa.

Get Rid of Delgado

This is a follow-up to the previous quest, Pretending to Work for Delgado. Sebastian (#2) takes advantage of the situation and wants to remove as many of the Don’s men as possible from the town, including Delgado. Approach Delgado (#1) and tell him that the Order has the gold from Costa. He’ll quickly deduce that you gave it to them and threatened you to get a body guard. This also nets you 350 experience.

Return to Sebastian and tell him the good news. You’ll receive 100 gold and 50 experience. Carlos, the commandant (#5), also rewards you with 50 experience and 150 gold coins.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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