Ch1 Harbor City Lukor (D) & Carasco (I) – Risen

This guide will help you complete a series of main faction quests revolving around Lukor and Carasco which you can find inside Harbor City during Risen’s Chapter 1. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 1 Harbor City Lukor (D) & Carasco (I) Quests Map

risen harbor city lukor carasco quests map
  1. Lukor
  2. Carasco
  3. Vasili, Ingvar
  4. Duram
  5. Ukkos
  6. Baxter
  7. Duram’s hideout
  8. Carlos

Chapter 1 Harbor City Lukor (D) & Carasco (I) Quests


This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to Lukor, the Don’s man, and Carasco, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D) can be completed only if you choose the Don’s man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit’s path here rewards you with 830 experience and 400 gold, while going with the Order gives you 1180 experience and 350 gold.

  • Lukor Wants the Five Armour Plates (D)
  • Vasili’s Armour Plates
  • Ingvar’s Armour Plate
  • Duel with Ingvar
  • Duram’s Armour Plates
  • Meat for Ukkos
  • Carasco Wants the Five Armour Plates (I)
  • Get Rid of Lukor (I)

Lukor Wants the Five Armour Plates

To get on with this quest chain, talk to Lukor who can be found at #1 (or on the road to Carasco (#2)). You’ll learn about certain armor plates that he wants and in return he offers 250 gold pieces. However you can nag him for up to 400, to which he’ll accept. Once you tell him that you’re ready to retrieve them, the quest will start.

Lukor mentioned people by the name of Vasili, Duram and Ingvar. A good idea is to start with Vasili, who can be found right in front of or inside Patty’s tavern (#3, check both floors, the quest Vasili’s Armour Plates). The next person to get relieved of his armor plates is Ingvar, also in Patty’s tavern (the quest Ingvar’s Armour Plate). The last person with the plates is Duram who’s somewhere around #4 (the quest Duram’s Armour Plates).

Once you’ve acquired all the plates, choose to whom you wish to give them: Lukor or Carasco (done in the quest Carasco Wants the Five Armour Plates). Giving them to Lukor gives 300 experience and 400 gold pieces, which ends this quest.

Vasili’s Armour Plates

When talking to Vasili (#3), he’ll say that he worked for Patty, but soon went broke when he had to quit the job. He’ll mention Lukor and once you tell him that Lukor sent you, he’ll want 200 gold pieces for his armor plates.

Since this is outrageous, just challenge him to a fight and beat him down. Afterwards loot the armor plates and you’ll receive 50 experience and the quest done.

Ingvar’s Armour Plate

Ingvar (#3) is drowning his depression in booze. Just approach him and ask him for his armor plate. He’ll want 100 gold at first, but once you tell him that you have Vasili’s plates he’ll lower it to 50. You can also tell him that you can just get it from him in a fight. He’ll feel challenged, which starts a new quest, Duel with Ingvar.

Once you have the armor plate, you’ll get 50 experience points, and the quest is done.

Duel with Ingvar

After challenging Ingvar to a fight, he’ll lead you outside at the back of the tavern. Just follow him and obliterate him in combat. You’ll receive 150 experience (100 + 50). Make sure to loot him for the armor plate.

Duram’s Armour Plates

You’ll find Duram walking the pier around #4. Approach him and mention the armor plates and such. He’ll get defensive and you won’t be able to get a lot of information from him, except that Ukkos will protect him in trouble and that he doesn’t carry the plates around.

Go to Ukkos (#5) and ask about Duram. He’s indebted to him, but he’ll say that he doesn’t want gold, but fried meat. In case you don’t have any on yourself, you can get some from Baxter (#6). Duram’s house is located at #7. The chest’s combination is a level 2 lock: left-left-right-left-right-right. You’ll receive 50 experience upon looting the chest, and another 50 when you tell Duram that you got ahold of his plates.

Meat for Ukkos

This mini-quest is received during Duram’s Armour Plates. You’ll need to get some meat for Ukkos (#5) to have him reveal Duram’s stash location. Meat can be bought from Baxter or you might already have some on yourself. Just give a piece to Ukkos and he won’t be alarmed once you enter Duram’s house. The quest completes with 100 experience.

Carasco Wants the Five Armour Plates

The alternative customer for the armor plates is a warrior of the Order, Carasco (#2). After obtaining all the plates, approach him and offer them to him. Your reward is 250 experience and either 200 gold, 5 medium healing potions, 5 medium mana potions or a Tell Joke scroll.

In addition to denying the plates to Lukor, Carasco would like to see him removed from the city, and gives you additional quest Get Rid of Lukor.

Get Rid of Lukor

This quest is the follow-up from Carasco’s (#2) quest about the armour plates. Just go to Lukor (#1) and tell him that the plates are in the Order’s possession. He’ll hint that you’re with the Inquisition and that it would be the best if he disappeared. This nets you 350 experience.

Return to Carasco for additional reward of the remaining three items that he has (you’ve already chosen one of the rewards in the previous quest). Healing potions might be the most useful out of the lot. You can also report Lukor to Carlos (#8) for 50 experience and 150 gold.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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