Ch1 Harbor City Toni (D) & Hernandez (I) – Risen

This guide will help you complete a series of main faction quests revolving around Toni and Hernandez which you can find inside Harbor City during Risen’s Chapter 1. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 1 Harbor City Toni (D) & Hernandez (I) Quests Map

risen harbor city toni hernandez quests map
  1. Toni
  2. Hernandez
  3. Picture switch
  4. Carlos

Chapter 1 Harbor City Toni (D) & Hernandez (I) Quests


This section tackles one of the main quests in harbour city, particularly pertaining to Toni, the Don’s man, and Hernandez, the Warrior of the Order. Quests marked with (D) can be completed only if you choose the Don’s man, and quests marked with (I) are the ones for the Inquisition. Quests without marks are/can be safely completed without choosing a side. As far as the numbers go, choosing the bandit’s path here rewards you with 150 experience and 150 gold, while going with the Order gives you 600 experience and 350 gold.

  • The Family Heirloom (D)
  • Take the Don’s Amulet to Hernandez (I)
  • Get Rid of Toni (I)

The Family Heirloom

Talk to Toni over on the bench at #1. You’ll learn that the Inquisiton took control over the Don’s old house. He was sent here from the swamp to monitor it, but the Order realized it and sent even more guards. This prevents him from recovering one of Don’s family heirlooms, an amulet.

In order to proceed with the quest, approach Hernandez (#2) at the entrance to the house. Tell him that there could be hidden valuables inside. He’ll be reluctant at first because they didn’t find anything, but will then give you a chance to try. In addition to that, you’ll also receive the quest Get Rid of Toni, if you offer to chase Toni away.

Inside the house there’s a picture at #3, the right room. Face it and press it to open a secret chamber. Inside the cupboard there you’ll find the Don’s amulet. On the top floor you’ll find some more goodies and Olf. He’s a treasure hunter, but since this section doesn’t contain any quests related to him, you can leave him alone for now, as he’ll be important later. In case you want to learn prospecting (taking ore and gems from veins inside the caves and on the rocks) talk to him now and learn the skill for 5 learning points.

Anyway, you’re given another choice now, to give the amulet to Toni or Hernandez. Since this quest is related to helping the Don, giving it to Toni rewards you with 150 experience and 150 gold.

Take the Don’s Amulet to Hernandez

If you wish to help the cause of the Order instead, Hernandez (#2) will gladly take the amulet you found in the Don’s house. This will reward you with 150 experience and additional 100 gold for your expenses.

Get Rid of Toni

This quest is received from Hernandez once you first talk to him in front of the Don’s house (#2). You’ll learn that Toni has been lurking around the house for quite a while and Hernandez would like to see him dispatched.

Just approach Toni (#1) and tell him that the amulet is now in the possession of the Order. This gives you 350 experience and Toni will run away scared of the consequences of the whole event. Return to Hernandez to get 50 experience and a reward of 100 gold pieces. Also, Carlos (#4) in the keep has a reward of 50 experience and 150 gold coins.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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