Ch1 Volcano Keep Initial Quests Part 2 – Risen

This guide will help you complete the second batch of quests found inside the monastery of Volcano Keep available to those following the path of the Order in Risen’s Chapter 1. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 1 Volcano Keep Initial Quests Part 2 Map

risen volcano keep initial quests 2 map
  1. Aric
  2. Arena
  3. William
  4. Caspar
  5. Dalman
  6. Karlsen
  7. Taylor
  8. Master Pallas
  9. Enzo
  10. Master Illumar

Chapter 1 Volcano Keep Initial Quests Part 2


This is the second part of the quests you can do in Volcano Keep without starting a bigger chain of main quests.

  • Fight Against Aric
  • Trick Aric
  • Dalman Trusts You
  • Assist the Warriors of the Order in Harbour Town
  • Find Writing Materials (D)
  • Bone and Wings (D)

Fight Against Aric

After defeating all three novices during your basic training, Aric (#1) himself will challenge you to the arena (#2). As he’s somewhat difficult, there are non-standard ways to beat him. However, if you’ve properly understood the combat system by know, he can die even with your most basic stats from when you started the game. All you really need is a weapon and a shield. In case you do have problems, check the quest Trick Aric.

After defeating him, you’ll receive 200 experience. Aric will commend your talent with the staff and walk away.

Trick Aric

If you lost the fight against Aric, this is another way to beat him. Ask William (#3) first about any tips which could help you against Aric. He’ll however send you to Caspar (who wanders and sweep around #4), who hints that you should get Aric drunk instead with some strong alcohol.

Strong alcohol can be found with Dalman (#5), the dude tending to the pigs. Talking to him reveals that he’s the keeper of the wine cellars and he found some really strong stuff in there, called Fireflush. After conversing with him, he should give you one bottle of it and a quest Dalman Trusts You. Anyway, you should also make sure you have two bottles of regular wine (you can get them from Dalman for 20 gold each if you don’t have any, but you should have loads).

Next thing is to talk to Karlsen (#6) the blacksmith. You’ll have to ask him to give you “the worst sword in the world”. It deals 5 damage. Head back to Aric now (#1). Give him the wine first to get him drunk and then trade swords, giving him the worst one in the world. Since he deals very low damage now, challenge him to a fight and beat him. Completing this gives you 250 experience.

Dalman Trusts You

Dalman (#5), the caretaker of pigs, wants someone to relieve him. Taylor (#7) is the right guy for that, but he’ll want Harlok’s stew at first. Since that’s outrageous, just tell him that there’s no way he can get that for the work he’s supposed to do anyway. Then you’ll agree on ten apples.

Apples are found all over the island and the monastery. Chances are you already have more than ten. Just give him the apples and he’ll go to work. This earns you 100 experience. Head towards #5 to meet Dalman on the way and tell him the good news. This earns additional 50 experience.

Assist the Warriors of the Order in Harbour Town

This quest is only available to you if you were taken by force into the monastery. Master Pallas (#8) will require of you to go to harbour city and help the members of the Order. Check the harbour city subsection, particularly how to help the order.

If you came voluntarilly, Pallas won’t have any tests for you.

Find Writing Materials

These quests are only available to the bandits. In order to get a quill, you’ll need to either pay 250 gold to Enzo (#9) or have one made by Caspar (#4). First of all, you’ll have to read the bookstands at #10, and then talk with Illumar and Erlan.

You’ll be sent to Caspar who’ll require 6 moth wings and a bone (quest Bone and Wings). Once that’s done, return to Illumar (#10 and have him be available to teach you the scroll creation.

Bone and Wings

If you’re a member of the Don’s gang and wish to create scrolls, Caspar (#4) will help you make a quill by bringing him 6 moth wings and a bone.

These can be found around the monastery, just make sure not to get caught while stealing and sacking the chests. Alternatively, moth wings are a regular loot from Grave/Talon moths and a bone drops from skeletons. Once you have the required items, go back to Caspar to receive a quill.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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