Ch1 Volcano Keep The Final Steps – Risen

This guide will help you complete the final quests required to initiate yourself with the Order and start Risen’s Chapter 2. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 1 Volcano Keep The Final Steps Map

risen volcano keep the final steps map
  1. Master Pallas
  2. Master Ignatius
  3. Karlsen
  4. Mendoza
  5. Massive door

Chapter 1 Volcano Keep The Final Steps


These are the lasts quests that you as a member of the Order have to go through to initiate yourself with the Order and begin the second chapter of the game.

  • The Tests of the Masters
  • A Worthy Weapon
  • The Initiation
  • Follow the Inquisitor

The Tests of the Masters

This is the meta-quests for all the tests of the masters that you have to undertake in order to become a warrior or a mage. It’s first received from Master Pallas (#1) at the gate as soon as you enter the monastery, and then once you gradually progress with the tests, you’ll have to talk to Master Ignatius (#2). Once you’ve done all the tests and reported to Ignatius, you’ll receive 600 experience, along with the message from him that the initiation process can begin. This ends the quest. You’ll also receive the quest A Worthy Weapon, as part of the preparation.

A Worthy Weapon

Having spoken to Ignatius (#1), head to Karlsen (#3) to receive your weapon. Karlsen will congratulate you on your fast progression and then give you a fighting staff. This ends the quest with 50 experience. You should go and see Master Ignatius again.

The Initiation

This is the decisive quest that will make you a true mage or a warrior of the Order. Once ready, talk to Ignatius (#1), who’ll take you through the Hall of Flame.

At the end of the Hall, you’ll notice all the Masters standing alongside Inquisitor Mendoza (#4). During your conversation you’ll have options to permanently increase either your maximum strength, mana or life. Mouse-over the conversation options to see which one gives what bonus.

After the oath, you’ll receive appropriate armor, knowledge of the magic crystals and 50 experience for completing the quests.

Follow the Inquisitor

As Mendoza (#4) explains it, the main threat to the people of the island aren’t the wild creatures and beasts. There is something far more terrible lurking in the deep. The Titans have come after Gods abandoned the humans. As such, he’s in search of a proper weapon against them, but still struggles. To show you what he’s talking about, he asks you to follow him.

During your journey with the Inquisitor, you’ll learn of the Titans, their magic, the Ocular he wears and other things to fill up the background details. Once you arrive at the massive door (#5) the quest ends with 50 experience. You’ll start the second chapter of the game soon, after Mendoza gives you a teleport stone and tells you about the crystal disks. Congratulations on beating the chapter!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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