Ch1 Volcano Keep The Test of Master Vitus – Risen

This guide will help you complete the quests related to the test of Master Vitus inside Volcano Keep during Risen’s Chapter 1. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 1 Volcano Keep The Test of Master Vitus Quests Map

risen volcano keep the test of master vitus map
  1. Vitus
  2. Dalman
  3. Crypt entrance
  4. Berengir’s skeleton
  5. Berengir’s chest
  6. Rufus

Chapter 1 Volcano Keep The Test of Master Vitus Quests


This quest page covers the test of Master Vitus, along with another quest connected to it.

  • The Test of Master Vitus
  • Wisdom in Combat Found
  • Rufus is Seeking Wisdom in Combat

The Test of Master Vitus

Talking to Master Vitus (#1) starts his test. All that he says is to find wisdom and trust in combat. This doesn’t mean a whole lot, but afterwards he tells you that unveiling the meaning is also part of the test.

The part about trust is done once you get Dalman (#2) to trust you with the quest Dalman Trusts You. You’ll get 25 experience for reporting that to Vitus. Note that Dalman doesn’t have to be in the pigsty as after the quest he moves into Harlok’s kitchen.

The other objective is about finding a special book in the crypt behind the cemetery. To be able to access that part of the monastery, you’ll need to complete Access to the Cemetery. Now head to the crypt entrance at #3.

Once down there, be sure to grab any stone plates and read all the books. This is especially significant if you’re planning to be a mage, as wisdom determines what seal level you can learn. There’s also loot to be found and the most important thing to get is Berengir’s key from his skeleton at #4. Now go and unlock the chest at #5. You’ll get a book called Wisdom in Combat.

With the book you found, head back to Vitus (#1). He’ll be delighted that you’ve found the right answer and the quest ends with 225 experience. Also, Vitus can increase your staff combat and mana capacity.

Wisdom in Combat Found

This mini-quest auto-completes itself once you loot the book Wisdom in Combat, found in Berengir’s chest at #5. It grants you 50 experience.

Rufus is Seeking Wisdom in Combat

Rufus (#6), the warrior of the Order, is seeking the book Wisdom in Combat. Since you’ve found it and read it, you can give it to someone else, as Master Pallas suggested.

Tell Rufus about the book and he’ll say that a lot of things can be solved just with the books. After he takes your copy, you’ll earn 50 experience and the quest is over.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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