Ch2 The Crystal Disks: Steelbeard’s Treasure – Risen

This guide will help you complete a chain of quests leading you to one of the crystal disks during Risen’s Chapter 2. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map.

Chapter 2 The Crystal Disks: Steelbeard’s Treasure Quests Map

risen crystal disks steelbeard's treasure map
  1. Balturo
  2. Patty
  3. Patty’s clue
  4. Nameless graves
  5. Western ruins, Patty
  6. Romanov & the treasure cave

Chapter 2 The Crystal Disks: Steelbeard’s Treasure Quests


Having shown Patty the way out of the city in the first chapter, she’ll be off to find her father’s treasure. While on her adventure though, Romanov will get in between and you’ll have to help her. In the end, you’ll find another crystal disk.

  • Off to the West Coast
  • Patty in Trouble
  • Steelbeard’s Next Clue
  • The Legacy of the Great Pirate
  • Nameless Graves
  • Follow Eronga to Romanov
  • Find Steelbeard’s Big Treasure
  • Steelbeard’s Nautical Map

Patty in Trouble

This quest is started from Balturo (#1). Once you talk to him, you’ll learn that he’s a member of Romanov’s crew and that they require of you to help Patty. This way they plan to grab ahold of something important that she might know.

Just go to Patty at #2 on the beach, and ask her about Balturo. This will end the quest for 250 experience. Talk to her again to continue with the chain (the quest Off to the West Coast).

Off to the West Coast

Getting to Patty can be done in several ways. You either need to hear about it from Balturo (#1) in the bandit camp near Fincher (which will also start the quest Patty in Trouble) or you can just go and visit her yourself on the beach at #2. Either way, Patty will tell you about the real treasure that Steelbeard left on the island. Once you’re ready talk to her and she’ll lead you to the clue she’s been given by the letter.

After a long walk, you’ll reach the spot at #3. After talking to Patty, you’ll earn 300 experience. You’ll receive a key from Patty, which you should keep safe as she says and check out the graves.

Steelbeard’s Next Clue

Looking at the graves around the spot at #3, you’ll find one named “nameless scoundrel”. Dig the soil in front of it with a shovel, and you’ll uncover a chest which can be opened with the key Patty gave you. Inside you’ll find Steelbeard’s casket.

Give the casket to Patty and she’ll bless you and your shovel. Apparently, it contains the next clue for the great Steelbeard’s treasure. You’re also awarded 200 experience.

The Legacy of the Great Pirate

After finding the clue at the grave (#3), Patty will tell you about the buried treasures of her father. Talk to her some more to get the needed information about the nameless graves which hide further clues.

After getting all the letters from nameless graves, get back to where Patty was. Saddly enough, she’s been kidnapped, and all you’ll find there is a man named Eronga. He’ll make threatening remarks and force you into following him to the west coast (quest Follow Eronga to Romanov).

After following him to the western ruins (#5). You’ll still have to walk a bit more, up to the northern ruins at #6. Once you meet Romanov, there are technically three ways the case can be solved. Either forget about Patty and split it fifty-fifty, do what he says in exchange for Patty, or just kill him, loot him and his men and get both the treasure and Patty. The last option is definitely recommended.

Either way you choose, you’ll have to go to that cave near Romanov. To save yourself some reloading time, don’t touch the chest as it will kill you like that Pigan dude. Instead, take a turn right and clear the monsters on the way. There will be several named graves this time. If you’ve read the letters found in the nameless graves, you’ll notice that Dillinger is the only one not mentioned in those. Dig that one up as others are lethal.

Inside that one you’ll find over 1000 gold worth of items and gold, the crystal disk and Steelbeard’s nautical map. Onec you get out, depending on how you dealt with the situation, you can either give up the map for Patty’s cell key, just head straight to Patty because you killed all the pirates or split it fifty-fifty with Romanov.

Once you’ve handled the situation, get his cell key and look for Patty at #5. She’s locked up in a cellar near one of the undead lords (who might already be dead if you did that quest already, The Cursed Lords for Leon). However, don’t go into that dungeon, head towards the tower and then turn left. You’ll see a wooden door. Talk to Patty and you’ll get 400 experience for saving her and another 500 for bringing her the map. If you didn’t bring her the map, you’ll get the quest Steelbeard’s Nautical Map.

Nameless Graves

This quest deals with the nameless graves and chests that you couldn’t open in the first chapter. Since you have Patty’s key now, they can be opened. All of the graves for the quest are marked by #4 and can be done in any order.

As you head towards #4a, you’ll meet Vasili, who’ll try to follow you, but you can confront him about it. If you’re in cahoots with Romanov, you might even enlist his help, though it’s not necessary. Inside that dug out chest you’ll find 400 gold coins and one of Steelbeard’s letters.

Getting to #4b is a little tricky. Approach it from the north-eastern side by the lake and then either have acrobatics skill (learned or with the help of magic items) or levitation to drop down onto the plateau. You’ll find a nameless grave there, along with the hero’s crown herb and a crystal ball of levitation.

The nameless grave at #4c contains a permanent dexterity increase potion, 150 coins and another letter. It’s located right behind Leon’s house.

Next grave is located at the southern end of the island at #4d. On your way there, you’ll meet Erikson, the guy from the brothel in harbour town. He’ll say something along the lines of making sure you do the business as proceeded as Romanov is overseeing everything. There’s nothing much you can do about it.

After looting the last one at #4e, you’ll get 1000 experience. Head back to #3 for a nasty surprise.

Follow Eronga to Romanov

This mini-quest starts after you meet Eronga (#3) where Patty was after you collect all the information from nameless graves.

He’ll drop you off at the western ruins and you’ll get 200 experience once the quest ends. His last warning is that Romanov is not the man to tangle with easily.

Find Steelbeard’s Big Treasure

This mini-quest is triggered once you dig out Dillinger’s chest (#6) and loot it with the master key Patty gave you. You’ll get 1000 experience, along with 900 gold, a pearl necklace, a bottle of rum, the crystal disk and Steelbeard’s nautical map.

Steelbeard’s Nautical Map

This quest either auto-completes itself once you hand over the map to Patty or, if you gave it to Romanov, you’ll have to get it back.

Romanov and his crew are found at the western entrance to the city (#2) near the campfire. Just talk to him and after a short conversation they’ll attack. Once you’ve dealt with them and returned the map to Patty, the quest is over with 250 experience.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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